Radio Headset with HUD

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by Necrovore, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Don't remember seeing this in any teaser images yet. Just a simple radio headset with an eye piece for a Heads up Display.
    The image is for a version assuming that the sprite can be changed depending on the direction the player is facing. When facing to the left the image would just be the antenna sticking up behind the hairstyle and a bit of the HUD screen wrapping around the far eye.
    If the graphic is only mirrored, then the headset could be changed so the antenna extends up from the back of the head and the HUD is instead a visor extending across both eyes.

    Attached Files:

    Shippo and Sgt. Sprocket like this.
  2. Meldazzar

    Meldazzar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    • Nappa: Vegeta, what did you say his power level is?
    • Vegeta: (while crushing his scouter at the same time) It's over 9000! Raah!
    • Nappa: 9000?! There's no way that can be right! It can't!
  3. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heh, knew that was gonna come up when I decided to add the HUD to it...
  4. Sgt. Sprocket

    Sgt. Sprocket Parsec Taste Tester

    Hey! My idea explained the hud, too!
    BTW The sprite looks really nice :rainbow:
  5. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    I just hope the game engine can support a hat that only fully appears when the player is facing a particular direction, if is only a flipped sprite, then my simple sprite won't work. :(
  6. Khood

    Khood Contact!

    Definitely want this in!
  7. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Eh, it is easy enough to see from the preview using the built in image viewer on the page. I tossed it on more as a loose illustration then any belief that it is of a level of quality fit to be put in game as is.

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