rare_candy_bracelet submitted a new mod: Racial Shop Counters 1.0 - Give Those Merchants Something to Do! Read more about this mod...
rare_candy_bracelet updated Racial Shop Counters with a new update entry: A Few Missing Additions Read the rest of this update entry...
rare_candy_bracelet updated Racial Shop Counters with a new update entry: Reupload Read the rest of this update entry...
rare_candy_bracelet updated Racial Shop Counters with a new update entry: Reupload Read the rest of this update entry...
thanks for the update, i love your work. i can't wait to see what other kinds of counters you make. there are never enough themed pieces in the game there are a few other "races" that are basically just costumes like the agrarian(glow, flower, naturalist) (geode merchant counters would be fun though i know those aren't races, i like crystal/prism/geometric too... way too fond of crystalline objects)
rare_candy_bracelet updated Racial Shop Counters with a new update entry: Some Quick Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
You know how your Foodie Furniture mod has a version where you might encounter a cafe? You might so something similar here where you add some shop buildings (utilizing these counters) as possible pieces of (insert race here) villages. Just an idea.
Ooh, not a bad idea. Though I had to remove the dungeons from FF bc people were encountering problems. So maybe in the future.
oh right, there's a creator on steam workshop and here http://community.playstarbound.com/members/fabmat1.701815/ who has been binge creating microdungeon spawns as of late, they use a rather unusual method that doesn't involve any tile guide PNGs at all, so maybe you should ask them how they have been making their dungeons work edit: they recently made a guide for how they made their dungeons(it even seems they're using a newer version of tiled?) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1092807798