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Racial Lifespans and Aging?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by sansy, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh! There is a recorded age for a novakid? I did not realize. Was it 110?
  2. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Of course. The recorded age for a novakid was 110.

    And it was Sun Blazer - The Father of Starblazer.
  3. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    What source is it from? Is it from one of the Codexes? I'd like to read it.
  4. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    It may feature in Uni-Collision that is in Chapter 5, Where Starblazer reveals the age of his father. And explains that Novakids had a rare 100 to 150 of age. Also izuku can live to 1,350 since Izku can live to a thousand years with it's dark variant. The Peglaci female has a a defect that has no extra arms on her chest so she lives for 115 Years before dying.

    But until i reach about 1,000 views i might make it.
  5. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    Is that an official comic/ story or a fan comic/ story?
  6. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    It's my fan story and check the backstory. I made it.

    Chapter 2 is coming up whatever it felt like it.

    Also you didn't know there is a secret twist to the story,

    The two major heroes are Jasumi and Starblazer. (Real Name yet to come in later chapters!)

    You can read it, But i am making chapters right in just 5 minutes.
  7. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    Ok. So we are trying to determine the canonical lifespans of the starbound races. It's cool that you are making a fan story and I will probably read it but it isn't actually useful for the purposes of this topic.
    Lecic likes this.
  8. sansy

    sansy Big Damn Hero

    Indeed, non-word of god has to be disregarded here, i'm afraid!
    I kinda made this thread to give Whimsy here an official age, cuz' I don't want her being 18, to turn out that an 18 year old Novakid's the equiv. to a 4-year old human! >_>

    Average height someone asked? I'd think they'd all have the same average height, due to everyone being the same height in game. But that's just ingame, we need lore!

  9. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    Going with everyone being the same height and weight as it is ingame that would mean roughly... 1.8 meters in height, and 68 Kg? or so, across the board. Except I think agaran might be shorter. I can't remember.
  10. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Agarans, if you count their mushroom heads, are a bit taller.
  11. Hoddmimir

    Hoddmimir Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh I suppose those heads do extend pretty high up.
  12. sansy

    sansy Big Damn Hero

    Mhmm. Agarans are strange creatures indeedy. They're slightly bigger than the player, but who do you think weighs more? Like, they could be porous for all we know.

    And bringing up weight again, Novakid are composed of plasma, some metal, and gasses. Wouldn't they weigh less? We can tell height, easy. But weight? I think that's a whole new can of worms.
  13. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Now that you bring that up, Novakid are probably quite lightweight.

    Avians are probably lighter due to presumably hollow bones, also.

    Glitch are probably very heavy, as they're made of various metals.
    Hoddmimir likes this.
  14. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Glitch could be made out of a heavy-duty but light weight metal; as even in our own science we made some that were more durable and the like and be lighter than your average metal.

    Regardless They would most definitely be heavier than an avian or novakid.
  15. CheeseBoi28

    CheeseBoi28 Space Hobo

    *Looks at watch* I know I am extremely late to a conversation like this and it might seem pointless now, you can find fossilized Floran skeletons in the game now. Though that makes me wonder if they're made of fossilized bone or wood or even some other kind of material that can fossilize well.
  16. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    yeah is a wee bit old... And yeah if they have bones to dig up, then possible an evolution of some kind almost like petrified wood forests. Didn't know of them having a fossil, as I haven't really delved too deep into that aspect of the game. Thank you for pointing that out even if late.
  17. CheeseBoi28

    CheeseBoi28 Space Hobo

    Well didn't expect to get an actual response to this. Hope the last seven years since this thread was active have been kind to you, I recently got into the game and have been enjoying it.
    Tamorr likes this.
  18. Armok

    Armok Cosmic Narwhal

    probably was already mentioned earlier, but canonically Hylotl have shorter lifespans, presumably in comparison to the other races.

    I'd say that the conditions the Floran, Glitch, and Novakid live under, which are generally lacking in technology and are rather fractious societally are probably more on the short side as well, Avian and Apex lifespans are generally on the longer side given their generally more stable societies and more advanced tech but are skewed by ritual sacrifices and civil war respectively to be less longer than they should be. Humanity almost certainly have the longest lifespans given their peaceful civilization and rather advanced lifestyles. These are all just ideas on lifespan averages though.

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