rare_candy_bracelet submitted a new mod: Racial Kitchen Counters - Spice up your kitchen decor with themed countertops! Read more about this mod...
i created a simple patch that adds the racial kitchen counters to racial furniture merchant lists, so other races and modded races can get the counters(or if people just want a fitting counter for their ship's chef) https://pastebin.com/FKByxNBF the novakids lack a racial furniture vendor list, but frogg vendors do just as well since they sell odds and ends ALSO, i created a similar patch for the racial shop counters, so race merchants have a chance to sell those sorts of counters https://pastebin.com/K2c0NX63 novakid stuff is on the frogg merchants again, and the apex camp countertop is also on froggs, but that's because it wouldn't make much sense for apex vendors in miniknog run settlements to sell rebel items under scrutiny, so the froggs who are known for.... acquiring... odd stuff have it
patches can be annoying as hell to make at times, the racial merchants will all have a chance of having their respective items, so people can get them either via tenants or just the randoms they find while exploring
rare_candy_bracelet updated Racial Kitchen Counters with a new update entry: Whoops? Read the rest of this update entry...