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RELEASED Racial Beamaxe Mod 3.0.1

Customized Racial Beamaxes for Starbound's core races and more.

  1. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    "Beamaxe" is the technical name for the Matter Manipulator in Starbound.
    Lexicon-Prime likes this.
  2. builderman1q2w3e4r

    builderman1q2w3e4r Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Why do people use beamaxe like they've never heard of the more commonly-used 'Matter Manipulator', then..?
    Is it a 'matter manipulator is too mainstream' thing or something?
  3. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    No, it's because it's longer.

    Racial Beamaxe Mod


    Racial Matter Manipulator Mod

    Which rolls off the tongue better? They both mean the same thing.
    Lexicon-Prime likes this.
  4. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is either sarcasm or you have no idea what you're talking about...

    I call it a "Beamaxe" because the file is named... "beamaxe.beamaxe"
    And it rolls off the tongue better ;)

    That is all... no more no less.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  5. TheWorstPersonEver

    TheWorstPersonEver Cosmic Narwhal


    @Lexicon-Prime you are fucking welcome

    Attached Files:

    Mackinz likes this.
  6. builderman1q2w3e4r

    builderman1q2w3e4r Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Once it's actually officially referred to as a beamaxe in-game, without having to go into code or commands, call me back.
  7. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Chill out, everyone. Both sides are "right" in the sense that normal players won't see the term "beamaxe" anywhere in the game, but that term is indeed used by the game as an internal name for the Matter Manipulator (which is why a lot of people refer to it as such).

    There's no need to jump all over each other (or swear at each other). The mod author can call it whatever they like, if you don't understand what they're referring to, just ask. If several people ask then I'm sure they'll realize it's confusing and choose a different name. If someone asks what you think is a "dumb" question, you're still required to be respectful (and remember they probably don't know as much about the game as you do).
    Lexicon-Prime likes this.
  8. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    To all who follow,
    I am aware of a few bugs recently discovered after Glad Giraffe release. I am working on them and should have a fix uploaded soon.

    that is all...
    Mackinz likes this.
  9. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

  10. Gingas02

    Gingas02 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, love this mod, But I found a bug. with the paint gun equipped, there is no sound coming out. I also was unable to get rid of the mod without it corrupting my characters
  11. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'll check on that today. The corruption is probably due to the fact that I had to make unique items for the paint gun variants to work. For some reason it doesn't want to update the image file properly for what's held in your hand (somewhat similar to the problem with the beamaxe when placing an item down, granted I don't want to go into details.) I could implement a "remove tool" ai command to prevent corruption should you want to take out the mod, but that will take some time to code given to my schedule, and you'd have to remove the tool from the character before removing the mod.
  12. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

  13. Fell

    Fell Big Damn Hero

    Hey @Lexicon-Prime, ive found some sort of a bug in current version of mod (2.6) w/ Pleased Giraffe. I accidentaly used ship class upgrade without leaving ship which caused ship to be T1(T3) instead of T2(T4), upon opening SAIL game gets closed, ill post full log if needed, but here is pretty much what it states as cause "Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (MapException) Key 'givetestNovakidpainttool' not found in Map::get()" I know that its fully my fault I upgraded ship without leaving it, but just if anyone have same question you know what was the possible cause.

    Edit: Even removing mod isn't solving the issue, probably only fix - wipe character.
    Edit2: Cause of crash after removal is key 'racialBeamaxe1'
  14. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    The mod does not work for older versions of Starbound. It requires Glad Giraffe, as that is what it has been updated for, so, if you are pirating the game, buy the game already or get a newer version.
    Lexicon-Prime likes this.
  15. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Working on a stable update for Starbound 1.0 and higher. Hashing out some kinks but it should be released soon.
    Mackinz likes this.
  16. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Lexicon-Prime updated Racial Beamaxe Mod with a new update entry:

    Update for Starbound [STABLE] 1.0.5

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Hyratel

    Hyratel Big Damn Hero

    is it known that this causes a Generic Item to replace the Excavator tool when removed on SB1.1?

    E: as well as resetting all MM upgrades
  18. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    To make the racial feature work properly, unique beamaxe files had to be created. Removing the mod will make it a generic item which is why I put the reset button into the mod. I was unaware that the reset feature didn't fix that. Ideally, if you're removing the mod you would need to reset your tools preemptively. If that isn't functioning I'll look further into it this evening.
  19. Hyratel

    Hyratel Big Damn Hero

    it may have been my error then - I was unaware of the 'reset' button. (bit of my fault for playing late at night, really)
  20. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    I placed it into the Default MMUpgrade window. You could always attempt to reinstall the mod, hit the reset button, then pull it back out. should work in theory

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