Making my second mod which is a small pack of unique weapons. I've already made the sprites and I just have a couple of questions on how to make certian ones and other various aspects: 1. What do particles do for weapons? Do I need to make a sprite for said particle and do weapons need them? 2. One weapon idea is having a combat shield that has basic striking combo, holding lmb holds the shield like basic shields and having rmb throw the shield and comeback. Is this possible to do? 3. A reusable dagger that uses energy is another weapon concept with its rmb being able to summon daggers in place while moving and then letting go will unleash a barrage of the daggers at whatever you are pointing at. Will this require particles and how would I go programming this since I don't remember base game having something like this? 4. For one weapon I want to add a stun mechanic which stuns an enemy in place for a few seconds. How do I go around adding a new debuff to the game? 5. Lastly, a mine launcher which has the mines have an arming delay and has a radius to show how close an enemy or player has to be till it explodes. Is there a way for me to achieve this? Sorry for the wall of text, I'll be glad for any advice because I want to keep at the modding scene since the last time was interesting and fun! Thanks for the help
1) particles are the little floating ... particles that come out, like the Solus Katana. You dont need them, they are purely for visual enjoyment 2) probably if you know enough lua 4) stun is already in the game, check stats>effects in the vanilla assets