Question about scarecrows

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Indigo Rose, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Indigo Rose

    Indigo Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, I wasn't originally planning on even getting a forum account, but there's something I really need to know about how scarecrows work, and I couldn't think of a better place to ask. In the recent update patchnotes it says the scarecrow now has an 8-tile radius, but does this mean it works like this...


    Affecting every tile within 8 steps, no diagonals (which would be a pain to deal with).

    Or does it work like this:


    Affecting every tile within 8 steps, including diagonals (I really hope it's this one...)

    Both could be considered an 8-tile 'radius', so I really need to know. Thanks in advance.
    • kepo

      kepo Space Hobo

    • Indigo Rose

      Indigo Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Wow. I didn't even consider that option. Thanks for the quick reply.
      • Haebaragi

        Haebaragi Weight of the Sky



        And here I was making dozens of scarecrows thinking they meant exactly 8 squares as in a 3x3 (with it in in the center).

        May the flying spaghetti monster bless Kepo.
          Teien and Thorin like this.

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