Modding Help Question about modifying animal products

Discussion in 'Mods' started by hikahi, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. hikahi

    hikahi Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm a noob when it comes to modding, so I've no idea if this is even possible, let me know if I'm dreaming :)

    I want to create a new animal product, and have it produced by an existing animal, specifically, I want Shane's blue chickens to lay freaking blue eggs, not white ones. I've got a super basic mod working, I've figured out how to add an item to the game, but I can't find anything anywhere about how to modify a chicken to change the item it produces. If there's a tutorial mention somewhere I'm happy to go read, I just can't seem to find it myself. Help? :)

    • MysticTempest

      MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

      Neat idea! So, under "Content/Data/FarmAnimals.xnb" is the file you'll want to unpack.
      Then open it up, and you'll see some data for each farm animal.

      Here's the line for the Blue Chickens.
      Blue Chicken: "1/3/176/174/cluck/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/7/4/null/641/800/Blue Chicken/Coop" #!String
      Do you see the "176/174" section near the beginning of the line? Those 2 numbers are the object ID#s of the eggs it produces.

      The first ID# is the default produce.
      While the 2nd ID# is the deluxe produce; basically when they're at max happiness.
      So, for the blue chicken it defaults to producing eggs, and when happy; large eggs.

      From there you can swap out those ID#s with your modded blue eggs. That'll change their behavior going forward.
      But, one thing to note. It'll only work on new blue chickens.
      Older blue chickens already have their data written to the save file. So, you'll need to manually fix those with save editing.
      However, new blue chickens will work fine.

      Quick save edit guide for fixing pre-mod blue chickens:
      (Make a backup before doing anything.)
      In your save, you can search for "Blue Chicken". It will take you directly to the FarmAnimal data for the Blue Chicken. Within its personal data there are 2 lines like below.

      Values to edit in the Save:
      Modify those object ID#s for the Blue Chickens, and you'll be good to.
      • Coolwyngs

        Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

        this sounds cool I hope it works well

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