There's already a suggestion thread about this, but I thought I might as well put the idea forward to all the modders out there, because I really love this suggestion. I've made working xnb files but I have no idea how to do the whole "quest" part. I don't know how to use SMAPI. If anyone has done something similar and/or is willing to help, PM me or reply to this thread, and I will thank you profusely. ----------------------- Quest The quest might be initiated at some point during the game, maybe determined by relationship with Pam or Penny, or by the date and year, or something. You would get a letter in the mail from the mayor, or maybe he could visit you, and he would say that the town budget has room for another project, and he wants you to help him build Penny and Pam a real house. He could say that it's to improve living conditions or create equal opportunities for the community or something. Robin has offered to direct woodwork and design the house, since she has experience building her own house. Clint will provide metalwork, Emily will provide curtains and things, and Kent, who is unemployed and needs something to do, will help with the labour part of building. The mayor needs you to provide him with materials. Maybe like 500-900 wood, 50 hardwood, 400-700 stone, 10 copper bars, 5 iron bars, 100 clay, 50 slime (for mortar), 20 bat wings, 7 cloth, and 200 sap. A little box will appear next to the community center or penny's trailer, and you put the materials in there like you do with the bundles. Once the bundles are all finished, work will commence. ------------------------ Construction Robin will spend one day a week directing the construction, and Clint will stop by now and then to drop off materials, and Emily will drop off textiles now and then. We will see Kent working on it from 9 to 5 weekdays, and after 2 weeks it will be done. ------------------------ Result Pam will be happier and start actually enjoying her evenings at the saloon, buying food there too, and drinks with lower alcohol percentage and will stop coming home nearly as drunk. She and Gus will become actual friends and maybe even develop a romantic relationship or something. She will be generally happier, and the bus will Penny will be way happier. She will start taking Jas and Vincent on field trips more often and could have a summer job documenting the museum's books and artifacts or something. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay! I've done it! There is now a (probably) working set of xnb files that will replace the trailer with a cute little mint green cottage. Changes: I've changed some of the wallpaper, flooring and furniture inside the trailer. I have NOT changed the size or shape of the area in which the player can walk inside the trailer. Pam's room is entirely decorative, as the door doesn't open and is blocked by a trash can. I have replaced the exterior of the trailer with a cute little mint green cottage, and I replaced the plastic lawn chair and accompanying table with a mailbox and flowerpot. It should work for all seasons. I think I managed to do all of this without moving any lights, paths or blocking events. I removed the trash around the trailer. I tested the inside of the trailer, but I haven't tested the outside yet. I have no idea what this will do with events. In theory it should work. I don't know. Really, though, I promise it should. Back up your saves first. Instructions: Unzip the things. Put the images and the interior tIDE map all in the main "content" folder. The exterior maps should go into the "maps" folder. Comment on this post if (when) it doesn't work. Enjoy! I will post preview images later. Promise.
This looks very nice! I hope you find someone tha helps because i'd really like to see this in the game, good luck!
Man I hope someone helps you because this would be such a cool mod to have. I would even suggest it to concernedApe maybe he would add it in the future for the game or maybe he was already considering it?
There's already a suggestion thread, but it was getting old, so I'm hoping this will draw attention to it. I didn't want to make another suggestion thread, but I was too excited to do nothing.
IF I was good at modding I would totally help ya I really can't wait for it to become a reality though!
It might be super compicated, since events happen in the house, but I hope you find someone! Id love to put this mod to use
Oh No! The events... Darn. This is going to be even more complicated than I thought. The outside could be modded without worrying about events. For the inside, I could modify the original trailer, keeping the same layout, but just cleaning things up a bit, and adding a room or two that isn't used in any cut scenes.
I can help with the code of this. I like the idea. If you keep certain parts of the house in the same location it won't effect the heart events. Or you could just choose to trigger it after you're above 6 hearts with Penny or whatever. I'm more worried about the item to put the raw materials in. Also Kent won't have a sprite for working on the house like Robin does. It sounds like fun overall though.
Yeah, I was thinking of changing it so that the kitchen is in the same place. I'm not sure how easy it would be to move their schedule locations, (probably not too hard) so I could use some help with that. The hard part is all the coding. I don't know how to do that. I'm thinking first I'll get all the content planned out, and edit all the images, then I'll start trying to trigger the event and stuff. This is going to be hard...
I would love to help with the idea. I'm easily pleased with the games artwork, but the trailer still bugs me as it feels a bit out of place (kinda like the mayor's oddly giant car). I've already got a lot of the ideas for how this would be coded; there are defiantly some challenges, but with some community collaboration we could get this done!
No... I'm scared to use tide... Yay! If you or anyone else comes up with something, please post it here! Also, I made a new version of the house that fits better in the original tilesheet.
Okay! So I've made this map in tIDE, and I think it's going to work, but it seemed... too easy. Like I might have forgotten something. I've attached the file, so if someone has time, could you just take a look at it and make sure I didn't somehow initiate an SDV apocalypse? Or something? Thanks!
Okay! I've done it! There is now a (probably) working set of xnb files that will replace the trailer with a cute little mint green cottage. Changes: I've changed some of the wallpaper, flooring and furniture inside the trailer. I have NOT changed the size or shape of the area in which the player can walk inside the trailer. Pam's room is entirely decorative, as the door doesn't open and is blocked by a trash can. I have replaced the exterior of the trailer with a cute little mint green cottage, and I replaced the plastic lawn chair and accompanying table with a mailbox and flowerpot. It should work for all seasons. I think I managed to do all of this without moving any lights, paths or blocking events. I removed the trash around the trailer. I tested the inside of the trailer, but I haven't tested the outside yet. I have no idea what this will do with events. In theory it should work. I don't know. Files are attached to main post.
Wow! That's amazing! It works perfectly on my computer. Although, I did notice that when Penny does the dishes, the soap bubbles are in front of the sink, not in it. I'm pretty sure it was like that before, though! I really hope someone helps you get the rest of it done! Good luck!
I can't wait for this mod. Also, I have a suggestion to add. It would be nice if the quest got triggered only after we got Pam to drive the bus again (otherwise, how would they have the money to invest into the house remodeling?). I think that would be a nice touch, it would make it more realistic.