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Bug/Issue Purchasing multiple rare seeds from merchant & more

Discussion in 'Support' started by Tynarae, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Tynarae

    Tynarae Space Hobo

    My wife and I are playing on windows and as I am in town fishing (I am the host) she is able to go to the wandering merchant and purchase a rare seed, afterwards she went to get hardwood just west of that spot and when she went back to the merchant, she was able to purchase another. (When the seed is purchased it can be purchased again after leaving the screen).

    The secondary thing that we found out was that if I being the host happened to pass out the day prior and then wake up partially fatigued if only the host is online (while laying in bed and the game is paused) the stamina bar will go up while the clock is not counting.
    • Iris Blanche

      Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

      Moved to Stardew Valley support. Please note that the Starboud section is not for Stardew Valley related things.

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