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Discussion in 'Support' started by Tentacaly, Nov 28, 2017.

  1. Tentacaly

    Tentacaly Space Hobo

    I know this is originally a PC game, but I have it on the ps4 console and it is doing the exact thing as most people on PC I was in the middle of my marriage, got back home and had a quest from the stable lady and when I went inside it crashed and now the whole save is crashed. What can I do? Since it's console I cannot actually mess with the save data.

    How was this game released and approved on Console with so many issues? I refuse to start all over again. Either please help me fix it or I want my money back for buying a buggy game that is unplayable.
    • Tentacaly

      Tentacaly Space Hobo

    • IWantToKaleMyself

      IWantToKaleMyself Space Hobo

      I think I am in the same boat as you I’m researching currently sitting on emails to chucklefish and a thread hopefully I can get answers
      • tenshinzo

        tenshinzo Intergalactic Tourist

        Wow still no reply on what the issue is...?
        • tenshinzo

          tenshinzo Intergalactic Tourist

        • tenshinzo

          tenshinzo Intergalactic Tourist

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