Would the star type affect difficulty regardless of biome? In that case, the orbit redesign would be also able to be used to add variation to every tier. As for fixing satellites, the whole fact that the game treats moons as separate kinds of planets bugged me since I started playing, and it also makes each planetary system look better. in fact, the only worry I can think of is that the Moon biome would have to be renamed, and that can be easily done.
The star type would mean nothing for difficult directly. If you went for a restructure, then tier 6 planets would be on the inner rings, tier 5 planets would be on the outer rings, and the rest would be in the "goldilocks zone". Star size and type would just effect the number of planets possible and where the "goldilocks zone" is. In my mind, the chance of a planet around a star would be lowered also so that a system with ~2-3 planets tops is more common, and a full system with all 12(11 actually) orbitals filled would be a rarity. I think this would encourage exploration more as it is less likely for a single system to have "everything".
Lets play a little game... How many satellites are there? Just further evidence that a restructure is necessary.
I agree with this. However, There is room for a nicer more fantasy-esque style to it. Such as: -Gentle Stars would have a much broader Goldilocks zone than most other Stars. -Eccentric Stars would have a slightly larger Goldilocks zone than the Sun. -Radioactive Stars would have a small Goldilocks zone but those planets would only support life who adapt to high levels of radiation (alien biome planets and toxic biome planets). -"Frozen" Stars or red Stars' Goldilocks zone would be much closer to the Star. -While "Firey" or Blue/White Stars would have a Goldilocks zone that is much father. Also, I would like to see moons become actual moons or be renamed to planetoids.
The only thing that bugs me is that they call the moons orbiting planets just planets, and not moons :/
This is sci-fi and personally, i love seeing a planet dangerously close to me when i'm exploring, its a nice view, like if the moon came really close to earth and started to grow into a planet, however I can agree with you that hot medium and cold would be very nice of an addition
You talking about the view of the planets in the sky? I have nothing against that. I like it. My main point of gripe is their positioning on the ship navigation screen. Planets get hidden behind one another and it just looks like a mess overall.
Out of everything I especially agree with the last point and I still agree with everything else too. This does bother me and I was talking to others about it the other day as I have taken space science classes and realize how inaccurate this is.
Well the next update addresses most all of this, even better than I could have hoped. Planets will literally orbit the star, and satellites will orbit planets.