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RELEASED Prop Pack 1.5.0

The Universe's #1 Shopping Catalogue and Shipping

  1. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    rare_candy_bracelet updated Prop Pack with a new update entry:

    Note to Self: Get Someone to Beta Test Before Releasing Updates

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. NarwahlPanda73

    NarwahlPanda73 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Really want to use this mod, but not sure how to get the items in-game? I can't find an explanation anywhere on here, but I might just be blind, who knows.

    EDIT: Nevermind, my installation process was just screwed up, missing a ton of files. Still crashing on trying to open the prop pack truck, says I'm missing some more, but at this point I don't know if it's just my computer being screwy or an accident on this end. Specifically I'm getting this error message when I try and open either the truck or online catalogue. (I tried going into the game files and copying/renaming a set of the color variant files to 'novakidpetbed.frames', 'novakidpetbed.object', 'novakidpetbedicon', and 'novakidpetbed', but that didn't seem to fic the issue)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
  3. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

    I have the exact same error as a friend from above!
  4. shark213

    shark213 Phantasmal Quasar

    Removing novakidpetbed.recipe & novakidpetbedlarge.recipe worked well for me :casper:
  5. Yev

    Yev Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can confirm, problem lies in the novakidpetbed.recipe and novakidpetbedlarge.recipe files calling for objects that do not exist.
    Barracksbunkbed still doesn't spawn it's top either, with barrackbunkbedtop.object calling for "/scripts/bunkbed.lua" instead of "/objects/themed/barracks/barracksbunkbed/barracksbunkbedtop.lua" where the actual script is located.
    Still doesn't drop itself on deconstruction either, but not sure how to handle that one, since it's not as obvious. But honestly that's less important than being able to place them, for me.
  6. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    I put out an updated file a little bit ago. Hopefully, it should be fixed, but let me know if it's not.

    I actually couldn't replicate either of those errors when I was fixing things yesterday. I'm not sure why that's happening considering it's the same script used in @cat2002's Working Bunk Beds mod that I've used multiple times before. Would you mind sending me the .log file again?
  7. Yev

    Yev Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sure thing, did a fresh download and install of the mod just to make sure, here's the resulting log from logging in, placing and breaking one, then logging out of the game.

    From what I can tell there's no problem with the script itself, the top part not appearing is because the object file for the bunkbed top is pointing to the wrong script location.
    Similarly, the treasure pool has a different name than what the script tries to use.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  8. StargazerSammie

    StargazerSammie Void-Bound Voyager

    Just grabbed the most up to date file and I'm getting the Novakid Pet bed error as well so it seems the update didn't fix the problem. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon, I'm excited to see all the new items that've been added <3

    Update: I followed someone else's workaround suggestion of removing the novakid pet bed recipes (just the two, not any of the colored versions) and got it to work
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
  9. Saint Apollyon

    Saint Apollyon Phantasmal Quasar

    Hello! Sorry if you already saw this and I'm being redundant, but my friends (and apparently a good few people) have been having problems with running this mods in multiplayer or on servers.
    It causes clientside connection times to skyrocket, to a point that when people get in the same vicinity of eachother, they crash. This has been reproduced many times.
    I mostly bring this up because I, and pretty much everyone on the server, absolutely loves your mod, but also loves...well, actually being able to play the game. :Y
  10. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    i'm sorry to hear your having trouble! would it be possible for you to send a few of your .log files so I can try to parse what went wrong?
  11. Natural Aura

    Natural Aura Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is nothing game breaking or anything like that, but I'm going through my starbound log and trying to get rid of any errors on startup and there are only two that appear. One I doubt caused by this mod, but I cannot figure out the source for the life of me, the other... well I'll just show you.

    [23:58:27.232] [Error] Could not apply patch from file /objects/protectorate/objects/protectoratelobbybin/protectoratelobbybin.object.patch in source: ..\mods\Decor - Prop Pack. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) Index 1 out of range in pathApply("/orientations/1/spaceScan") <<--- The "I'll just show you" Error
    [23:58:27.709] [Error] Duplicate projectile asset typeName pushzone. configfile /items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/protection_sphere/protection_sphere.projectile <<--- probably not oriented with this mod what-so-ever.

    Any ideas on how to fix these errors?
  12. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    rare_candy_bracelet updated Prop Pack with a new update entry:

    Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    rare_candy_bracelet updated Prop Pack with a new update entry:

    Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    An update just for y'all! Now leave me in peace so I can play the new fire emblem.
  15. Malfar

    Malfar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm sorry for being stupid, but how do you actually download it now? The Download button leads to a github with a lot of folders to browse and no download options that I noticed.
    Actually, nevermind, I am stupid and did not notice the "Clone or download" button to the right. Sorry.
  16. Natural Aura

    Natural Aura Pangalactic Porcupine

    You select the green button that says "Clone or download", then select "Download Zip". The rest is as usual.
  17. Ishveth

    Ishveth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hello, popping up here because I just noticed a few things when taking a look at the update.
    - The Alpine Shelf crashes when using it. It's trying to load a chest8 interface the vanilla files don't have.
    - The Pristine Double Door is called "Pristine Door", no mention of it being double in the name (shortdescription).
    - Modern wardrobe, dresser, cabinet, sofa and table; Alpine Lamp, dresser and Shelf take more space than needed to the sides, unless they were intended that way. Same with the Gardening Tools.

    I hope I haven't said anything you were already aware of.
    rare_candy_bracelet likes this.

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