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RELEASED Prop Pack 1.5.0

The Universe's #1 Shopping Catalogue and Shipping

  1. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    Are you working off of the Workshop version or the one here on the fourms?
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    The forum one.
  3. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    try downloading the workshop version and see if that does anything
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Yeah, that seems to have worked. Not sure why the forum version didn't work.
  5. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    huh. lemme look into it. can't imagine why though...

    edit: oh geeze. for some reason the download link is from the initial release. what a hassle...
    Jonesy likes this.
  6. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    Jonesy likes this.
  7. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    hmmm. hmmmmmm.
  8. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

  9. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    rare_candy_bracelet updated Prop Pack with a new update entry:

    Monsters & Munchies

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  10. ChronoHyperion

    ChronoHyperion Big Damn Hero

    Is this mod compatible with pixel goods store?
  11. Plex_Director

    Plex_Director Pangalactic Porcupine

    Man that beast themed furniture set is delightful! One of your best works so far!
  12. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    oh man, I'm glad to hear it! I was worried it'd be a little gimmicky, honestly.
    ChronoHyperion and Dragonclaw like this.
  13. Nagi

    Nagi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can't buy PropPack shop from Terramart, it's 0 pixels worth after update.
  14. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    right, that's a mistake on my part. i'll be releasing a patch shortly. thank you for your feedback!
    ChronoHyperion likes this.
  15. chimerick

    chimerick Intergalactic Tourist

    I LOVE this mod, but I'm pretty sure it crashed my game. Either that or the Draconis race mod.
  16. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    you'd have to send me your .log file, friend. That's the only way I'll know for sure.
  17. ChronoHyperion

    ChronoHyperion Big Damn Hero

    Do you have Pixel Goods Store and Enhanced Storage?
  18. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    I doubt that would be the problem, as I have both of those mods installed as well. And I can't see why it'd be conflicting with either of them.
  19. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    rare_candy_bracelet updated Prop Pack with a new update entry:

    Delivery Update #1

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    KateisLost likes this.
  20. luna_panshiel

    luna_panshiel Pangalactic Porcupine

    as much as i love the new sweets set, the record player audio is unpleasant. the song choice is fine, it's the simulated record noise that makes the audio hitch every half second, it makes me feel like my ears keep popping, would it be possible to have the noise on it reworked so that it isn't repeatedly dropping the audio? the noise is fine, it's those drops in the waveform that are highly unpleasant

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