RP Prison Break

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by camerox, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. camerox

    camerox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ::The high security E.C.L.O.N prison on Alpha Pepper I has recently had a breakout and all guards have been killed. There has been a no travel zone put up around the planet to prevent the prisoners from leaving the planet::

    1. NO OP
    2. Don't go over PG
    3. You can't be a guard as they are all dead
    4. No rescue ships
    5. The prison is the only building
    6. There is no-one on the planet except the prisoners
    7. If you leave the group and then rejoin don't use information given at the time of absence
    8. No reviving the dead
    9. Don't all be maniacs
    10. Magic will be given by me to good role-players and will be apart of the story
    11. I am the GM so therefore what I say goes and I can add random things
    13. Don't kill other players on a wim you have to build up to it

    Please read Mercenary Lord's guides on roleplaying

    Everyone has pistols and Snow Guard Armour, Snow Guard Armour is like riot armour but with a thermal layer.

    Alpha Pepper I is dominated by sextupled (six legged) reptiles that have 4 eyes, a very tough hide and are good at climbing. It is mainly covered in a low density swampy forest and the trees have no branches around the bottom and fruit and blue leaves at the top. The atmosphere is breathable and has a scent of cherry. The planet is has lots of mountains with steep sides. The radius of the planet is 3827.32 km and the climate is very cold min temp -14°C and max temp 10*C. The gravity is only 2/3 the amount of earths. and days only last 20 and a half hours

    Planet webpage

    The universe is run by corporations who like to exploit anything for profit with no governments binding them. They control cities and there are no unions or anything to give their workers rights. People are forced to work all day then are only given enough food to live and are taught that this is the only way to live since childhood. People don't have friends or family they only have work as kids are taken at birth and start training for their jobs as soon as they can talk. It is not all like this though because of people that are one of the select few in the upper class whom live lives of luxury.

    E.C.L.O.N is the leading corporation boasting many systems full of factories. They sell nearly everything from people to soap. They have massive work prisons for people who get in their way or in other companies way that are willing to give over workers. Work prisons are where the most dangerous and hardest work is done. E.C.L.O.N have the worst working conditions out of all the corporations.

    The Freedom-lance was a group who fights for freedom from the oppression of the corporations. The Freedom-lance fought hard but was stopped by E.C.L.O.N in the battle of Altaine 3 and E.C.L.O.N killed many of the Freedom-lance and imprisoned the rest.

    Char Sheets - Do on OOC
    • Description - Name, Age, Race, Gender, Appearance, Personality, Abilities
    • Why was he in the prison
    • Photo

    GM: You look though the open doors freedom is yours at last. After who knows long you are finally out of the prison.

    I look though the visor into the beautiful Blue forest that I have only seen though the small window. Sweet air fills my lungs and my nose with the scent of cherry. I look up into the green of the leaves, freedom is ours at last. I look over the other people they are celebrating their freedom but are we truly free. We are out of the prison but still away from civilisation. We are still stuck on this planet but we don't have guards controlling our every movement.

    "Fellow comrades we are out of the chains that bind us, there is no more guards to oppress us but most of all there are no laws that control us! But unfortunately we cannot go back to the lives we used to live so we must make a life here. We can either stay here and use the prison as shelter or follow me and explore this planet" I yell over the exited talking that quickly quietens down shortly after I start talking.

    I turn away from the crowd and walk into the wilderness hoping that some people will follow me.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    [RP subforum rules require you to make an OOC thread for every RP.]

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