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Outdated Prismatic Stars 1.1

The planets orbiting these strange stars are completely unpredictable!

  1. MasterSaturday

    MasterSaturday Phantasmal Quasar

    The hollow-earth planets are quite fascinating, but I'm finding my computer really lags out when I reach the bottom of the current terrain. Maybe it's because I'm in an ocean biome, but do you know why that might be happening and what I could do to remedy it?
  2. Waufleicious

    Waufleicious Space Hobo

    hello, i just downloaded this mod and i zoomed out of the map super far and changed my cords. well over 200 million units and i still can't seem to find one. please help
  3. moongirl

    moongirl Poptop Tamer

    Is this compatible with Frackin Universe mod?
  4. Alkali

    Alkali Void-Bound Voyager

    how does this mod work with multiplayer? will it cause issues if I host, or if I join another server? and will my universe file need deleting if I remove the mod?
  5. lfinn11

    lfinn11 Void-Bound Voyager

    Do I need to do something special to make this mod work? I put it in my mods folder and the prismatic stars won't come up.
  6. hanleybrand

    hanleybrand Phantasmal Quasar

    Note: I've been fishing around the code of the mod and looking for the black sun... I don't see a black sun, so maybe there's still some fracking universe in my starmap?

    I'm upgraded to the latest unstable -- not mad I'm having trouble, just reporting what's going wrong -- and I've found that the mod no longer works. It loads, but when I try to move to a sector of the universe that was generated a) before I patched to unstable and b) after I had been playing with the mod working with the current stable channel the game crashes.

    1. SB launches with the mod installed
    2. Prismatic stars don't show up (no new ones plus are missing from where they used to be)
    3. Moving to an area where a prismatic star was crashes the game
    It may actually be a "simple" fix - looks like an json and maybe asset error.

    [09:50:11.077] Error: Could not load /celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:3 asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png' while resolving image frame '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:3'
    [09:50:11.142] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("blacksun1")

    [09:50:10.980] Error: Could not load /celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png'
    [09:50:10.987] Error: Could not load /celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:1 asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png' while resolving image frame '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:1'
    [09:50:11.013] Error: Could not load /celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:2 asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png' while resolving image frame '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:2'
    [09:50:11.077] Error: Could not load /celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:3 asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png' while resolving image frame '/celestial/stars/star17pxblack.png:3'
    [09:50:11.142] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("blacksun1")
    0   starbound                           0x000000010449fd93 _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 227
    1   starbound                           0x00000001043fbb6c _ZNK4Star4Json4tgetIS0_EET_RKNS_6StringE + 396
    2   starbound                           0x00000001043f1bee _ZNK4Star4Json3getERKNS_6StringE + 14
    3   starbound                           0x000000010394bdb9 _ZN4Star16CockpitInterface15drawStarmapNameENS_19CelestialCoordinateERKNS_6VectorIiLm2EEE + 1129
    4   starbound                           0x000000010393f6b0 _ZN4Star16CockpitInterface17drawStarmapScreenEv + 2992
    5   starbound                           0x000000010393e7fd _ZN4Star16CockpitInterface6updateEv + 125
    6   starbound                           0x0000000103a5074b _ZN4Star11PaneManager6updateEv + 1547
    7   starbound                           0x0000000103996e62 _ZN4Star13MainInterface6updateEv + 50
    8   starbound                           0x00000001038e1e05 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication13updateRunningEv + 1573
    9   starbound                           0x00000001038dfac2 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv + 290
    10  starbound                           0x00000001043b3a01 _ZN4Star19StarApplicationBase3runEv + 465
    11  starbound                           0x00000001038efaa2 SDL_main + 4562
    12  starbound                           0x0000000103a173c9 -[SDLMain applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 73
    13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff94fb6cdc __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
    14  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff94ea8244 _CFXNotificationPost + 3140
    15  Foundation                          0x00007fff9353ec31 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66
    16  AppKit                              0x00007fff954459ab -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 291
    17  AppKit                              0x00007fff95445716 -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 191
    18  AppKit                              0x00007fff95442536 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 574
    19  AppKit                              0x00007fff95441f75 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 244
    20  Foundation                          0x00007fff9355e1e8 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 290
    21  Foundation                          0x00007fff9355e059 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 102
    22  AE                                  0x00007fff8dc1599c _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_jPh + 531
    23  AE                                  0x00007fff8dc15719 _ZL25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 31
    24  AE                                  0x00007fff8dc15623 aeProcessAppleEvent + 295
    25  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8d033a2e AEProcessAppleEvent + 56
    26  AppKit                              0x00007fff9543e626 _DPSNextEvent + 2665
    27  AppKit                              0x00007fff9543d730 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 194
    28  AppKit                              0x00007fff95431593 -[NSApplication run] + 594
    29  starbound                           0x0000000103a1784d CustomApplicationMain + 381
    30  starbound                           0x0000000103a176b9 main + 313
    31  starbound                           0x00000001038dcac4 start + 52
    32  ???                                 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
    [09:50:11.144] Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    [09:50:11.144] Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    [09:50:11.307] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Nitro Fandango' <1> (local) disconnected
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  7. Dansec

    Dansec Void-Bound Voyager

    Planet no longer available with the new update :/
    TwiztedRune likes this.
  8. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    ok.... i Just started in a prismatic start system >.< on an "uncalculatable" danger planet *facepalm*
  9. WhyIsEverythingDerpy

    WhyIsEverythingDerpy Void-Bound Voyager

    Could I download this using a ZIP folder?
  10. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    Not tampering with vanilla progression is something I was looking for while hoping to expand my exploratory possibilities. Thank you for making this, and for keeping it separate from vanilla.
  11. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    Is this compatable with Pleased Giraffe?
  12. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    When I tried it around the time I made my post on June 12th, it didn't work with spirited giraffe. I just forgot to come back and leave a note.
  13. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I hope the modder didn't give up... Pris Stars and Mysterious Stars are my go-tos...
    LadyKianna likes this.
  14. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    Prismatic Stars is now not compatible with Glad Giraffe, especially when using Frackin' Universe alongside it.

    Where art thou, modder? (Edit: Last seen in febuary 2015. I think he's gone.)
  15. TinchoX

    TinchoX Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This isn't 1.0 compatible, right?
    Wish the modder was around to update it, such a good mod gone to waste.

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