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Outdated Printable Seeds 1.4.3

Makes crop seeds scannable and printable, as well as fixing a few typos.

  1. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Nate McCloud submitted a new mod:

    Printable Seeds - Makes crop seeds scannable and printable, as well as fixing a few typos.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  3. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  4. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  5. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  6. Fatmice

    Fatmice Subatomic Cosmonaut

    When I unpack your pak file with assets_unpacker I get 2 more pak files


    This is expected? If I try to unpack those pak files I get errors.
  7. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Oh...yeah, that's an issue caused by the way my mod packer script works...thank you for alerting me of this! I will alter my script right away. Don't worry about those extra .paks, by the way--they won't affect the way the mod works.
  8. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  9. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  10. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Unfortunately, my main computer is presently on the fritz. :( I will be unable to access my mod files until I get it fixed, as attempting to access them now will risk corrupting them. My deepest apologies to the users of this mod!

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