Previous Curator & Gunther

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by hollowlaughter, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. hollowlaughter

    hollowlaughter Void-Bound Voyager

    It'd be nice to get an event/quest regarding the previous curator that Gunther mentions making off with the entire collection that the Pelican Town museum had.

    Whether it be a Year 3+ event, triggered by Museum completion, or what not it feels like that's an avenue that would be ripe for adding a new content item like the Qi and Wizard quests and would also be a good opportunity to have some development with Gunther since he never gets to come outside to join the townsfolk for festivals or otherwise be part of the noticeable NPCs.
    • WilliamZ

      WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

      Hi, CA said on reddit that he is working on new content and Gunther will gain some new events, as himself is feeling that he was a little left behind during development, you can find the whole Q&A HERE.
      • AureusWolf

        AureusWolf Subatomic Cosmonaut

        I really hope he becomes a marriage candidate. That would be the best content update I could ever get.
        • hollowlaughter

          hollowlaughter Void-Bound Voyager

          I found the comment and I'm glad for the Gunther bit, thanks for telling me!

          But my girlfriend is gonna RIOT because Marlon is her fave, so x2 thanks for that.
            WilliamZ likes this.

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