040416 I fixed them a bit I simply changed their eye colors, on Vincent I edited his jaw. My first portrait mod! I tried not to fix much but... well... re-draw all except clothes. :/ Hope you like it V2: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8lv7fjm5db971bu/Jas_Vincent_V2.zip Previous version: http://www.mediafire.com/download/k0539np33d0ga2i/Vincent_and_Jas.zip Thank you for downloads! If you like my portraits see also: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/prettier-villager-portraits.112314/ Happy gaming!
Thanks! I actually draw hair similar to Penny's but I found out that Jas has twin tails -w- I really hate her vanilla hair but I felt like I had to keep the character's appearance on portraits, so it became anime twin tails.
Vincent so cute !!! My first portrait mod! I tried not to fix much but... well... re-draw all except clothes. :/ Hope you like it Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/k0539np33d0ga2i/Vincent_and_Jas.zip ps. do not re-upload.[/QUOTE]
These are wonderful! Close to the original style of the game but Vincent now no longer has that weird jaw. Thank you!
THOSE ARE MARVELOUS! We don't get to see many mods of Jas and Vin, and I m ttly creeped out by Jas with her HI UMM GIGGLE "dialogue". Those are so well made but eyes are not vanilla, which differs them from others. STILL I dont really mind as they are beautiful! Great work!