i got inspired by one of those new random space dungeons! railtrams are super fun hehe what do you guys think? im not sure what to do with all that blank space displays light up as you come up to them!!
that's amazing! reminds me on the "zoo" in yoshi's island DS where you could view all the enemies you've encountered also dat kluex sentry
i always love little displays like that!! yeah he's a bit... odd at the moment. he just keep flying towards the ground. and the ixoling in the other exhibit won't move at all. weird! maybe they're tweaking with the pet tethers or something atm.
That poor Mother Poptop! It's enclosure it tiny, you monster! In other news, that is a freaken awesome build.
hey, hey I only had so much space to work with, y'know. and she tried to claw my beak off the whole time >:/ jk, thank you so much!! this is one of the first few things ive ever actually posted here