power sign help

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Disembodied head, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. Disembodied head

    Disembodied head Space Hobo

    yall ever tried implementing a power sign into your builds? when it's directly connected to a switch it only changes its text from "offline" to "online" when the switch is activated, not depending on whether the switch is in an "on" state or not
    NOT gates don't work, i tried
    if there is any way to make it work like it logically should please do tell
  2. x3notyp

    x3notyp Void-Bound Voyager

    I had the same problem recently. I guess since the sign is only used in the Erchius Mining Facility mission, where it is only changes from offline to online once, it has not been implemented correctly.
    I ended up using a custom sign from EASEL in the Outpost, those are wired correctly.

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