Hello! So basically, I'm stuck. I'm new to modding, and I'm currently fooling around with JSON files messing with dialogue etc. So what i have done is changed some dialogue and extended certain parts with new questions and such; however, i have custom portraits that i want to use. I've noticed that each portrait is added at the end of the text, for example: - /speak Emily \"Nowwwwww I know why you're here. It's a sign. Hahaha!$h\" Using the following portrait commands I can select which portrait to use: - $neutral - Switch the speaking character to their neutral portrait. $h - Switch the speaking character to their happy portrait. $s - Switch the speaking character to their sad portrait. $u - Switch the speaking character to their unique portrait. $l - Switch the speaking character to their love portrait. $a - Switch the speaking character to their angry portrait. Now, I want to be able to keep the original portraits, and have an extra set of portraits associated with a character. So how would I do this? Do I need to create a new portrait xnb file with a different name, or can I add the new portraits into the same .png as the original portraits? Is it even possible to have more than 8 portraits associated with a single character? If I can add more than 8 portraits how would I incorporate the extra ones so that they are actually used, would i have to also create new portrait commands? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My question about sprites is that I want to create an animation for an event, it takes place inside of Haley's house, to create the animation, would I create sprites? If so suggestions on how to create custom sprite animations would be extremely helpful. Or would I do it through tile animation? I do understand that .xnb modding is extremely limited, I just want to know if it's possible and if so how! This is my first proper post on this forum, apologies if I have posted in the wrong place etc. Thanks in advance!