Modding Discussion Populated planets mod..?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by joey4track, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. joey4track

    joey4track Ketchup Robot

    Is there a mod that adds more stuff(settlements, dungeons, buildings etc.) to the planets? I feel like when I play starbound most of my time is spent just walking across empty planetsides. I seem to only ever find one or two things on each planet even the bigger ones.

    I have Dungeoneer Dungeons but I think that just adds in new things to find and it doesn't change the rate at which they spawn. I think it would be nice if there were 2-3 times more things to discover on a planet.
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I dunno if there is one, but here's something untested. Put this in a scratch mod as worldgen.config:
        "__merge" : [],
        "planetsizes" : {
            "tiny" : {
                "surfaceDungeonCount" : 2
            "small" : {
                "surfaceDungeonCount" : 4
            "large" : {
                "surfaceDungeonCount" : 8
            "verylarge" : {
                "surfaceDungeonCount" : 16
            "huge" : {
                "surfaceDungeonCount" : 32
    You might want to tweak the numbers.
    A scratch mod is just a folder in \mods with a bullshit .modinfo file for personal experimentation. Nothing to it.
  3. joey4track

    joey4track Ketchup Robot

    Oh great! I will try it as soon as I get home from work thanks!
  4. joey4track

    joey4track Ketchup Robot

    Hmm, well I didn't get to really test it before I went out to work but it did load without crashing and I found a avian airship pretty quickly after visiting a new small planet. Thank you so much this will really add quite a lot to the game. I am surprised no one has done this yet. I did double the numbers except for the biggest planet. Maybe this should be released as a mod on here if it works? I don't want to take credit for it or anything but people may be interested in using it. What do you think?
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I don't think much at the moment.
  6. joey4track

    joey4track Ketchup Robot

    Haha, well at least you can think enough to get out this awesome code, thanks! I'll report back after some testing tonight when I get home.
  7. joey4track

    joey4track Ketchup Robot

    On second thought maybe it isn't working. That avian airship was the only thing on the planet it seems.
  8. joey4track

    joey4track Ketchup Robot

    Bump! No one is working on this? I feel this is a good idea for a mod. More stuff to discover. No?

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