Poll: Spread The Word (no, this has nothing to do with Smile.Dog)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ExSOLDIER-J92, Apr 14, 2016.


Did you buy this game for someone else? [Votes are public and cannot be changed]

Poll closed Apr 17, 2016.
  1. Yes, I bought this game for a friend.

  2. Yes, I bought this game for a family member.

  3. Yes, I bought this game for a YouTuber I watch.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes, I bought this game for someone else that I follow/watch (on Instagram, FB, Twitter, etc).

    0 vote(s)
  5. No, I only bought this game for myself.

  6. No, I didn't even buy this game and someone bought it for me.

  1. ExSOLDIER-J92

    ExSOLDIER-J92 Intergalactic Tourist

    So, this is a very simple poll and I am curious to see if I am the only one who has done this or if others have decided to spread the word.

    Have you bought Stardew Valley for someone else...


    ...just for yourself?
    • Tamorr

      Tamorr Supernova

      I've only bought it for myself due to only being able to afford just that. Would have loved to do otherwise, but have spread the word at least to a few people, including youtube ones. :nuruhappy:
      • Skipper Scootaloo

        Skipper Scootaloo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I plan to buy an extra copy when multiplayer comes out because me and my Fiance own the same account and have a seperate account for multiplayer games we need 2 licenses of. So.
        • octoling

          octoling Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          i was gifted it, but i also bought it for someone else later on.
            ExSOLDIER-J92 likes this.
          • Haebaragi

            Haebaragi Weight of the Sky

            Stereotypical broke-ass college student here, so only splurged a bit for myself on this game.

            • SmaugBaggins

              SmaugBaggins Existential Complex

              I got it for me and then convinced my girlfriend to get it also :p
                ExSOLDIER-J92 likes this.
              • KoboltWolf

                KoboltWolf Subatomic Cosmonaut

                Bought a copy for me, for a good friend, and for my little sister. Might get yet another friend a copy with my next paycheck xD
                • MagicallyClueless

                  MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                  I got the game for my birthday, so I gotta owe this to the good ol' parental units.

                  re: stereotypical broke-ass college student
                  • zoeevee

                    zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                    You don't have the option up there but I bought it for a stranger the first weekend of release. It was a one time thing, please no one message me asking for a copy!
                    • Borodin

                      Borodin Oxygen Tank

                      You need a category:

                      Yes, I bought the game, but for myself and someone else to enjoy, too.

                      Nitpicking, I guess. Still, I knew my wife would get as much of a kick out of it as I do, and when she took a look at the main page and trailers, and read about the features, she, too, was hooked. :)
                        zoeevee likes this.

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