WIP Pokémon éléments (Portraits, characters, map, loading, animals...)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Cey702, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Cey702

    Cey702 Space Spelunker

    (first, hello, I like potatoes and sorry for my bad english :D)

    I hope you will like what is following. Don't hesitate to give your opinions if something have any problem ^^ If you have requests, I think I can try

    Warning: The following files can to have the "same name". So, place them in the right folder or create backup if you're not sûre (or the two).


    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwTFkxU2NqOGE5Y28/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/minigames


    - Replace the fish by magikarp in chucklefish logo
    - Replace the weird character by meloetta in ConcernedApe logo
    - Replace birds by pidgey
    - Replace hen by ducklett in exit button (and "MouseOn")
    - Add an oddish in title
    - Replace the E.T. by Elgyem



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwbHd1X2ZTM2xKU00/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/minigames


    - Added a Venusaur and a Nidoran in the bush of the loading



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwMDlDa085b2J1c00/view?usp=sharing
    To Place in: stardew valley/content/minigames

    Bonus - Européan TV commercial for red/blue:



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwRDF4c1cwd08zVEU/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/LooseSprites

    - Fishing bar is pokemonized
    - Treasure during fishing is replaced by pokéball
    - Opening treasure is replaced by opening pokéball
    - Pollen is replaced by Hoppip during spring, shiny hoppip during summer
    - Animals icon are replaced for marnie's shop
    - Sellor Mouse is replaced by keckelon
    - Marcello's ballon is now the famous Meowth ballon (for 10 hearts kiss)
    - Elliot's boat is replaced by Kyogre (for 10hearts kiss)
    - Contains of train added somes Pokémons
    - Icons of season changed
    - Icon of backpack (inventory) and heart (relation) are replaced by ash's backpack and luvdisc
    - Light from window change a little (Because I break them when I unpack)
    - blue/purple ballon from minigame of valley's fair in fall are replaced. NOW KILL POKEMONS !!!
    - Maybe I forgot what changed because I edit too lot of thing in this file and maybe more later



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwem9QZmFZT1lpem8/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/TileSheets



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwTlFzd3lXMEZFelU/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/portrait



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwVTRCdmxNMTFHTzQ/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/character


    NO ! Blue is not Gary Oak...Gary is normally green ! Blue is a girl ! A GIIIIRL ! (for european friends o/)


    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwS3JXV3VrcEVvNFU/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/character



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwUjJOT2ZwMTN5Vms/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: Stardew valley/content/character



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwaS1VYTQ1eDN4aUk/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: Stardew valley/content/Buildings



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwb18yLTBGM0RLZXc/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/map


    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwdWV2QzVuc1ZiMmc/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/map


    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwTWF3SHVDaGN5UjA/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/map


    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwbU95QU0zZXNwS2M/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/map

    - Litwick lighting (Sleeping litwick in day/shiny litwick in night)
    - Trash are replace by trubbish \o/
    - the...rebound game (?) for kid is replaced by swablue rebound game (sorry for this bad english o/)
    - Hospital is colored and modified to look like to a pokemon center
    - Pierre's house is colored and modified to look like to a pokemon shop
    - A type of flower is replace by bellsprout
    - Big flowers of granny are replace by victreebell/weepinbell in spring (and other pokémon in other seasons)
    - Sun on the halley/caroline's house is replace by solrock
    - owl on george's house is replace by noctowl's head
    - Flower stuff of halley/caroline is recolored to pokeball color
    - Squirtle now live in the north of stardew valley
    - Snorlaw sleep in the mayor's car in spring/summer
    - Pidgeot live on the mayor's house in spring/summer
    - Star from the Christmas tree is replaced by staryu
    - Pumpkin in fall is replaced by a pumpkaboo
    - Advert Joja cola is replaced by a better joja cola Coca Cola style
    - Jojamart now is controled by the rocket team. new color, new logo



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwc3JiQmN1T3kxakk/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/map

    - Replacing on the top of the door of Willy's shop to add a magikarp o/



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwcVhuRUN0ejVERGs/view?usp=sharing
    To place in: stardew valley/content/TileSheets

    - Replace every butterfly by pokémon (every butterfly except Mothim



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwaGpMTTBQZnVQb1U/view?usp=sharing
    Place in: stardew valley/content/Animals



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwYkxhTFF4bkRGQjQ/view?usp=sharing
    Place in: stardew valley/content/Animals



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwcmVrR2I2YXBKYzQ/view?usp=sharing
    Place in: stardew valley/content/Animals



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwSHo2dlNlSTBsanM/view?usp=sharing
    Place in: stardew valley/content/Animals



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwdEpSQS1lTUhjQmc/view?usp=sharing
    Place in stardew_valley/content/characters/Monsters



    File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwM1BkSHZxd1ZFZnc/view?usp=sharing
    Place in: stardew valley/content/TileSheets

    (This fille will be update soonly. I don't like this bear...really.)

    Versions: (hour in GMT+1)

    31/03 at 15h50: Upload of Rain (Castform) and intro (bus+fletchling)
    29/03 at 23h03: Upload of multicolor ditto
    29/03 at 21h50: Upload of well, with Froakie and Axolto (french name sorry...i'm sleeping xD)
    29/03 at 14h29: Upload of cursor: too much things, so, watch the "change" under the file
    28/03 at 00h08: Upload of Pidove for White Chicken
    27/03 at 17h32: Upload of Spearrow for Brown Chicken
    27/03 at 11h45: Upload of Pidgey for Wild city bird
    26/03 at 22h30: Update of spring_town and upload of summer_town, fall_town, winter_town
    24/03 at 20h24: Upload of Tepigs for pigs
    24/03 at 14h00: Update of Furnitures/update of titlebutton and new presentation for the forum to clean it
    24/03 at 12h33: Upload of Torchic for Void Chicken, Update of Toddler_girl (Blue) because it have somew wrong pixels
    23/03 at 21h50: Update of toddler to replace the son by red from pokémon
    23/03 at 20h45:Update of critters (adding of pikachu/nowtowl/cornèbre (no comment, I don't want to find the english name xD) AND Upload of Toddler girl, to replace the daughter by blue from pokémon
    21/03 at 22:20: Upload of butterfly (the 12) and presentation of raquayza for serpent, Murkrow for a crow in the thread
    18/03 at 17h35: Upload of Loading landscape (Clouds) and update of title button to reparu 3pixels in chuclefish logo
    18/03 at 12h10: Update of Loading elements (Title buttons) - More elements modified
    18/03 at 21h55: Upload of Loading elements (Title buttons)
    17/03 at 21h20: Upload of the map spring_town and spring_beach
    16/03 at 13h00: Update of the character set of Maru_Hospital: Deleting of the red symbol on the hat for the back view
    16/03 at 12h20: Upload of the character set of Maru_Hospital (FILE DELETED)
    15/03 at 19h21: Upload of the portrait of Maru_Hospital
      Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
    • Maiz

      Maiz Void-Bound Voyager

      Its very good, I like it!
        SilentAngel likes this.
      • Cey702

        Cey702 Space Spelunker

        Thank's :nurutease:

        EDIT: Update when i can to edit...i don't know why, but i can't for the moment

        (I put a screen here for the moment :x)
        (In addition to the mixt with nurse joy, i replace her color by her true color because she have different color in hospital or out)

        Reedit: ho...I forget to delete the red cruce in the hat...So this screen is wrong version :'D
          Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
          sarberus likes this.
        • kamb040

          kamb040 Tentacle Wrangler

          Not bad !
          • Cey702

            Cey702 Space Spelunker

            Thank's (maybe i will improve that if i find time ^^)

            Please, if someone know how to change the category of the thread, i'm interested...because it's not only portrait now...thank's in advance :')

            I don't find where are somes textures to change the interior of hospital...(it's not hospital...) So, I modified a little our town "only for spring" (for the moment) if someone is interested :D

            EDIT: Link uploaded and first message updated :)

            REEDIT: Thank's Rhomboid for moving of this thread =)
              Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
            • rhomboid

              rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

              moved to misc mods :)
              • LittleTeemo

                LittleTeemo Astral Cartographer

                i need more! this is awesome
                • Bybesy

                  Bybesy Tentacle Wrangler

                  OMG. This is so awesome <3
                  • blackdahlia

                    blackdahlia Seal Broken

                    This is great!! You've done a wonderful job with this! Can't wait for the other season edits for the Town....and Maru is so adorable in that uniform <333
                    • thepenguinhut

                      thepenguinhut Poptop Tamer

                      I tried Spring town and it's not working

                      MAP - Spring_Town:


                      File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWLo1bUYQMwQ2g3S3lodDNUdzg/view?usp=sharing
                      To place in: stardew valley/content/map


                      - Litwick lighting (Sleeping litwick in day/shiny litwick in night)
                      - Trash are replace by trubbish \o/
                      - the...rebound game (?) for kid is replaced by swablue rebound game (sorry for this bad english o/)
                      - Hospital is colored and modified to look like to a pokemon center
                      - Pierre's house is colored and modified to look like to a pokemon shop
                      - A type of flower is replace by bellsprout
                      - Big flowers of granny are replace by victreebell/weepinbell
                      - Sun on the halley/caroline's house is replace by solrock
                      - owl on george's house is replace by noctowl's head
                      - Flower stuff of halley/caroline is recolored to pokeball color
                      • Bybesy

                        Bybesy Tentacle Wrangler

                        I dont know if its possible, but could you upload only the retexture from the trash -> trubbish ?
                          Hiragirin likes this.
                        • Cey702

                          Cey702 Space Spelunker

                          Thank's you very mush for return :) So, if town is interesting for you blackdahlia, It will be the priority for the moment, to add other season :)

                          I began butterfly last friday (and absent during week end ^^) so, I had to finish that before to do something else :) (And now, it's done :D)
                          Test was difficult to test every butterfly (6 in spring, 6 in summer) but they're here ! (I have to add them in first message in 5min)

                          And I began that too, if you're interested:

                          EDIT: Ho New message during the end of working on butterfly...
                          Ok: I will update the spring_town, thank's thepenguinhut
                          Bybesy, ok no problem, i will PM you to send it just after the first updating :)

                          EDIT: 22h50: The new link of spring_town (I don't know where was the problem, maybe the version system on google drive :x)

                          REEDIT: The link to replace ONLY trubbish (in the 4 seasons:
                            Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
                            rhomboid and thepenguinhut like this.
                          • blackdahlia

                            blackdahlia Seal Broken

                            The butterflies look great!
                            • thepenguinhut

                              thepenguinhut Poptop Tamer

                              Thank you for the new link:p

                              • Cey702

                                Cey702 Space Spelunker

                                You're welcome :)

                                Sorry for the town, I don't work on that for the moment, I played at the game since the last time ( :p ) and have children \o/ But...after 2month, I wanted to change their look...So I will do the town after the second child :) Blue is done, Red is comming :) (or/and green maybe, if you're interested)

                                So, update of the first message (and look at the critters file, I replace 3 others savages animals by pokémons)

                                EDIT 21h48: Ho I finished the second. I update the first message in 5min. To wait, a family fotography xD


                                EDIT 24/03 at 12h35: Update of first message to add Void chicken


                                EDIT 24/03 at 13h51: I update the first message, new presentation and furniture (with a lot of image from the animé xD)

                                EDIT 24/03 at 20h25: (Yes, i don't want to do double post)
                                I upload new pigs, with Tepig !

                                  Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
                                  rhomboid and Zhuria like this.
                                • blackdahlia

                                  blackdahlia Seal Broken

                                  Ahhh! Adorable! I can't handle the cuteness!
                                  • Orasion

                                    Orasion Intergalactic Tourist

                                    I think the link for the son being Red may be incorrect, as it redirects to another Toddler_girl.xnb.
                                    • Cey702

                                      Cey702 Space Spelunker

                                      Ho, Thank's you Orasion, and sorry for this...For me, files are too numerous on the drive x) The link is normally correct now =)

                                      Thank's Blackdahlia ^^ (I'm continuing the spring_town and maybe other saisons today ;) )
                                      • Amesthya

                                        Amesthya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        thank's <3
                                          Cey702 likes this.
                                        • Cey702

                                          Cey702 Space Spelunker

                                          Thank's to you ^^

                                          Somes requested me to finish Map_spring to other season, and, it's done ! You can now download the 4 seasons of the year !
                                          Warning, I update the spring_town too (and correct a lot of mistakes). So, update the files and download the new !

                                          And new trip: Jojacola is now more near from Coca Cola (and old old tv advertisements) and Jojamart is now a part of the famous Rocket Team ! New logo, new colors, new shop !


                                          Next: Maybe Moris as a member of the rocket team ? Or continuing the savage animals ?

                                          Other asking: Do you like the snorlax/pidgeot/squirtle/etc ? They are...static because we can't animate them...So, do you prefer more pokémon static ? Or Less "if" static ? I can delete them if you don't like it. (Personnally, I don't know...I dream a mod to use gif or more texture to animate all textures, but i'm not sûre someone is developping that ^^')
                                            Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
                                            cankersaur likes this.

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