WIP Pokédew Valley - Pokémon retextures

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ninjatulio, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. shudik

    shudik Void-Bound Voyager

    Great work, should add textures for animals in Skull Cavern (Ex: Rayquaza for the Serpent)
    • ChaosCodex

      ChaosCodex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Maybe Psyduck for the lil' quackers? I like 'em when they use their psychic powers. They look so cute and funny! :p
      • Destany89

        Destany89 Cosmic Narwhal

        I saw some requesting the birds being turned into pidoves and I was wondering could you change the seasonal birds into the common bird Pokemon? And make seagulls into wingulls? That'd be so awesome lol
        • SCMowns

          SCMowns Space Hobo

          Awesome mod! I can't wait till the small animals like birds and other creatures become Pokemon. I also made a YouTube video featuring this mod :D I've made a ton of YouTube videos for mods before, like for Minecraft and other games:
          Hope you like it.
          • Zhuria

            Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

            I'm glad these mods are getting so much attention but it is a liiiiittle annoying how everyone seems to think it's one mod. Oh well :rofl:
            • RaShaw

              RaShaw Lucky Number 13

              Was wondering where you go to find the texture skins to edit, since I'm unable to open the .xnb files on default. Kind of wanted to try my hand at spriting a bit.
              • RaShaw

                RaShaw Lucky Number 13

                Why not Arbok or Serviper?..
                • Zhuria

                  Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                  You'll need to do some command line stuff to unpack the files, but it's pretty easy! Here's a good tutorial: http://imgur.com/a/44FO5
                    RaShaw likes this.
                  • RaShaw

                    RaShaw Lucky Number 13

                    Thank you I'll give it a try now
                    • RaShaw

                      RaShaw Lucky Number 13

                      That program I have to download in order to read them, it doesn't open as a readable file itself
                      • Ideduce

                        Ideduce Lucky Number 13

                        so I'm not sure how to install it yet. I have a educated guess I just replace the files but I don't want to screw up :rofl:
                        Also I was thinking how cool would it be to add a team rocket shirt <3
                        Then I'd totally make James with his dog growely the Growlith <3
                        PS.......LOVE THIS MOD!!
                        • RaShaw

                          RaShaw Lucky Number 13

                          You can just drag and drop yes, but I don't believe you can change it back afterwards that way, unless you have another copy of the originals backed uo
                            Ideduce likes this.
                          • Ideduce

                            Ideduce Lucky Number 13

                            thanks for that. I did back it up and I'm glad I did because I screwed up and placed portraits from another mod into characters which makes their portrait walk around instead of their character sprite. :rofl:
                              Zhuria likes this.
                            • RaShaw

                              RaShaw Lucky Number 13

                              Well this whol process sucks, so if the file isn't placed in the right spot, you literally can't even get past step three. But you can not move it either, since you need premission from the developer?! this is insane.
                              • Flareon

                                Flareon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Thanks to Nightscaled, I have a Flareon Cat Texture over on my thread. :) You're welcome to list it!

                                Here's my thread: Clicky!
                                • Destany89

                                  Destany89 Cosmic Narwhal

                                  May I also request a Persian for the cat? I love meowth but Persian is honestly my most fave Pokemon.
                                  • vyvy

                                    vyvy Void-Bound Voyager

                                    i add the hat files but where i can find these hats ???
                                    • MariahDawn

                                      MariahDawn Orbital Explorer

                                      I dunno if it was suggested but maybe you can make a Skitty for the cat sprite owo
                                      or the collection of eevees >w<~
                                      • Zhuria

                                        Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                                        What? Why would you need permission from the developer? You can put XNB Node wherever you need it; in this case the Stardew Valley folder
                                          RaShaw likes this.
                                        • Zhuria

                                          Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                                          Oh my god you guys look at what I've done

                                          Altaria (horse replacer)


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