WIP Pokédew Valley - Pokémon retextures

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ninjatulio, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. LittleNerdyOTAKU

    LittleNerdyOTAKU Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  2. TeddyBearYoshi

    TeddyBearYoshi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    But.. Torchic is literally based off of a chicken, why would you have a Pidgeon or Emu based Pokemon as a chicken? Makes no sense.

    I don't mind the Farfetch'd idea, though.
      Clovilah likes this.
    • rextart666

      rextart666 Intergalactic Tourist

      I don't know if it is possible, but changing characters textures would be nice too, turning the mayor into professor oak, and stuff like that. Some suggestions for pokémons now: slime into a grimer/muk, butterflies into butterfree, pig into a grumpig, owl into hoot hoot, crow into murkrow, normal birds into pidgheys/spearow. And awesome job on these retextures! it's making this game better than it already is
      • Pinkie Pie

        Pinkie Pie Cosmic Narwhal

        The Seagulls on the beach definitely need to be turned into Wingulls.
        • Kajisan

          Kajisan Void-Bound Voyager

          I am stunned. My first thought: Ok - Pikachu for dog replacement but it's fresh to see other Pokémon getting a chance to tie into the game.
          Bright future - i just hope the Pkmn Company is not angry about. Thank you for the hard work!!
            Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
          • Drakedin

            Drakedin Void-Bound Voyager

            I love Gold's hat. First Pokémon character I played :p
            What hat does Gold's replace?
            • Mikerochip

              Mikerochip Void-Bound Voyager

            • endermaryn

              endermaryn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              LittleNerdyOTAKU made Slowpoke for the pig, Buneary for the rabbit, Ducklett for the duck and Shuppet for the Void. They are here.
              Yup. LittleNerdyOTAKU made Slowpoke for the pig, Buneary for the rabbit, Ducklett for the duck and Shuppet for the Void. They are here. :giggle:
              • zero6313

                zero6313 Space Hobo

                Zorua or Poochenya for the dog.
                • LittleNerdyOTAKU

                  LittleNerdyOTAKU Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  I've now updated with more rextures including Tauros for Goat, Ghastly for Ghost, Lileep for Shadows, Dwebble for Rock Crab, Duskull for Mummy, Venonat+Venomoth for Grub/Fly, Aron for Metal Head, and Muk for Big Slime.
                  • LeafeonTea

                    LeafeonTea Space Hobo

                    Dreams do come true.
                    • Jokerine

                      Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Awesome thread! I had to grab that Mareep! <3 And I hope we get a Wingull too!
                      • Ruby12345

                        Ruby12345 Intergalactic Tourist

                        What about ditto as slime?
                        • Pedguin

                          Pedguin Big Damn Hero

                          Just uploaded a video to show off this awesome mod to my viewers :) Great job everyone on this community project & KEEP IT UP! <3

                          Art done by Ofelie
                          • Norsewind

                            Norsewind Void-Bound Voyager

                            Any chance we could get the Pokedew logo as an in game replacer <3
                              TeddyBearYoshi likes this.
                            • SmaugBaggins

                              SmaugBaggins Existential Complex

                              Well this mod is growing in popularity nice
                              • iamundernodisguise

                                iamundernodisguise Void-Bound Voyager

                                I love all of your ideas, ESPECIALLY Farfetch'd for ducks.

                                What about Absol for a choice for dog? One of my favorites, and definitely fitting, at least I think so.
                                • Pedguin

                                  Pedguin Big Damn Hero

                                    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
                                  • Kouatsu

                                    Kouatsu Void-Bound Voyager

                                    >w < Where do i move these when i install ;o; i just got the game
                                    • LittleNerdyOTAKU

                                      LittleNerdyOTAKU Scruffy Nerf-Herder

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