PLEASE READ Hey guys! Because of some problems I couldn't update the thread in a while and decided to give up on it, I'm sorry. But the user Volpe created an awesome thread listing these and some other pokémon-related retextures! (Thanks for that) Check it out: 22/03/16 ###################################################################### This thread will be constantly updated with all the released pokémon-themed retextures in this forum. PM me if you want some of your mods to be here (must be pokémon related) Feel free to post requests and feedback! Animals Protanna's Growlithe Thread >Download< Jhopper's Meowth Thread >Download< Zhuria's Ponyta Thread >Download< Jhopper's Miltank Thread >Download< ninjatulio's Mareep >Download< ninjatulio's Torchic >Download< Monsters Greg171's Digglet Thread >Download< Mega >Download< Mediafire Jhopper's Zubat >Download< Misc. ninjatulio's Trainer Hat Thread >Download< Trainer Hats - new hats! Includes Red's, Ash's, Gold's, Hilbert's and Dawn's hats! Download ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Updates •March 6 - Added Torchic replacement for chicken Added Zubat replacement for bat Added More Trainer Hats
I don't even have farm animals just yet and I downloaded miltank and mareep, they're too cute Would love to see buneary as rabbits and torchic as the chickens
I was thinking someone could make brown chickens into Torchics, and white chickens into Piplups Also, was wondering if we could make such suggestions here on this thread, since I've had a few other creative ideas that I think someone could make... such as replacing birds that fly away when you get close with Pidgey or some other flying types Maybe also altering some crops to be berries from the series instead
Yeah they are fun, might i suggest dwebble for those crabs with the rocks on their backs... and for the worms you could replace them with weedles, kakunas and beedrills
uhm.. i dont know how to get the hats to show up. do you buy it somewhere? or is it in one of the chests in my house. sorry. kinda new to this.
Really Good job on all your sprites so far I really enjoy them. Could you possibly make a sprite re texture for the little guys in the community center. I was thinking Gastly would look cool for them.
To be honest, I'd rather see Farfetch'd's normal and shiny form be used for chickens, Ducklett for ducks, Liepard or Purrloin for cats, mightyena or Poochyena for dogs and I would love to see Perhaps Gogoat for the horses since you can ride them (though I heard there are goats in this game? )
I like this, though I disagree with having Torchic being the chicken replacement. The others fit just fine as farm animals, Torchic, same with Piplup are too rare to be farm material. Now, Pidgey, or Doduo would make more sense. Farfetch'd also makes sense for replacements for ducks. Having starters or rares be farm animals, just doesn't really make sense. But I still applaud the work of people on these mods.
The torchics are definitely from the massive breeding people do for IVs, and then wondertrade. Starters haven't been rare since X and Y. Besides, I'm pretty sure Torchics are the only chicken esque Pokemon. Pidgey would make more sense for the random birds that fly off when you get too close, and Doduo if we ever get emu.