Nekobi submitted a new mod: Pocket World - Adds personal and empty pocket worlds to the game! Read more about this mod...
When I try to use this, it just teleports me back to the Quantum Space Allocator The log shows this: [16:14:14.061] [Error] UniverseServer: error during world create: (DungeonException) Error loading dungeon '/dungeons/other/pocketworld/pocketworld.dungeon': (AssetException) Error loading asset /tilesets/packed/pocketworldconsole/pocketworldconsole.json 0 starbound 0x0000000100c05af0 _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE + 128 1 starbound 0x0000000100d96b94 _ZN4Star18DungeonDefinitions14readDefinitionERKNS_6StringE + 900 2 starbound 0x0000000100d964fa _ZNK4Star18DungeonDefinitions3getERKNS_6StringE + 330 3 starbound 0x000000010144327c _ZN4Star13WorldTemplate18determineWorldNameEv + 188 4 starbound 0x00000001014441a6 _ZN4Star13WorldTemplateC1ERKNSt3__110shared_ptrIKNS_24VisitableWorldParametersEEERKNS_13SkyParametersEy + 758 5 starbound 0x00000001012fb4ec _ZNSt3__110shared_ptrIN4Star13WorldTemplateEE11make_sharedIJRNS0_INS1_24VisitableWorldParametersEEERNS1_13SkyParametersERyEEES3_DpOT_ + 124 6 starbound 0x00000001012f98f0 _ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN4Star14UniverseServer20instanceWorldPromiseERKNS2_15InstanceWorldIdEE4$_12NS_9allocatorIS7_EEFNS_10shared_ptrINS2_17WorldServerThreadEEEvEEclEv + 1472 7 starbound 0x00000001012f40af _ZZN4Star10WorkerPool11addProducerINSt3__110shared_ptrINS_17WorldServerThreadEEEEENS_17WorkerPoolPromiseIT_EENS2_8functionIFS7_vEEEENKUlvE_clEv + 47 8 starbound 0x0000000100c042be _ZN4Star10WorkerPool12WorkerThread3runEv + 190 9 starbound 0x0000000100c0e508 _ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv + 104 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fffbcaf393b _pthread_body + 180 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fffbcaf3887 _pthread_body + 0 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fffbcaf308d thread_start + 13 [16:14:14.225] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorldocketworld:-:- [16:14:14.225] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 failed, invalid world 'InstanceWorldocketworld:-:-' or world failed to load [16:14:19.155] [Info] UniverseServer: Clearing broken world InstanceWorldocketworld:-:- Also, peeking around in the pocketworld.json file, I see a lot of references to machine-specific paths, and to a steam path. I'm guessing that's probably going to break your mod for a lot of folks because those paths may not exist on their machines, on a non-steam install, or on other OS's (like MacOS or Linux). EDIT: It keeps inserting emojis into my text. Ignore the weird tongue-out faces there.
I second jje64. The thing doesn't work - I get sent back to where I started, and get the same log error message as above. Also, yeah, do NOT make hardcoded specific paths to file locations where they're located on your computer. That's... seriously? Starbound's perfectly fine making paths relative to its installation directory. Use that instead.
So I got this to work with a few tweaks, with no errors or warnings in the log. I'm not going to upload the fixed pocketworld.json file because the author has no modification/no redistribution rules set. When I go to the pocket world, however, all I see is a wooden staircase and a random white platform piece above it. No background, no teleporter, nothing. Not even a door to get back where you came from. I guess it's BYO teleporter? Probably should be clear on that in the description. For reference only, here is a description of the changes I made to ./mods/pocket world mod/dungeons/other/pocketworld/pocketworld.json : 1. In the "tilesets" segment, replace all instances of "G:\/Starbound\/UnpackedAssets\" with ".." For example, "source":"G:\/Starbound\/UnpackedAssets\/tilesets\/packed\/objects-by-type\/container.json"should look like "source":"../tilesets\/packed\/objects-by-type\/container.json" 2. Eliminate the line (around line 283 or so) that has a steamapps folder reference. It points to a nonexistent item inside the game's packed assets file. NOTE TO MOD AUTHOR: If you intended to include pocketworldconsole.json in your project, it should be in a folder contained in your mod's folder, not shoehorned into the game's assets. Whatever that line was intended to point to doesn't currently exist anywhere and will kill your mod from the word go. Hope that helps! Oh - one other small thing, from a cosmetic standpoint. You might want to change the "shortdescription" key in pocketworldconsole.object - it still reads as "space station console". Doesn't affect gameplay per se, but it's a pretty glaring omission.
Oh, I'm really sorry, I uploaded the files from a mod I released on Steam, I didn't realize I had to change some files... Thanks for telling me and for your help, I'll see how to fix it myself. (and thanks for the short description, it seems I forgot that ^^') Please don't be harsh with me, I can understand it makes you angry or disappointed, but I'm a beginner in coding and modding... I learned by myself by looking into the game's files. I didn't think some of my code have too specific paths, I wouldn't discriminate Mac and Linux users on purpose. Finally, for jje64: I don't know why the map would look like that, normally it's just a platform formed with sloped hull panel. But since I had hard times to make Tiled works on my old and kinda outdated computer, it might not work as intended... And yes, it's just an empty world, you can just teleport back to your ship whenever you want. I don't even know how to code an object that allows players to return to their original position... I'll change the description of my mod, sorry again.
Nekobi updated Pocket World with a new update entry: Compatibility issues Read the rest of this update entry...
Again, I'm sorry for the issues. Hope it's corrected now ^^' I also added some screenshots so you can see the mod in action.
Aheheh... ah, I didn't intend to come off as harsh, so I'm sorry about that. I just meant it like "This is a huge rookie mistake, don't do that, this way is much better". I think the concept of the mod is very promising, so I definitely want to see it work properly. I'll try out the update as soon as I can.
Oh okay, I didn't read your comment like that. Maybe I didn't understand because english isn't my first language... Well, I hope it will work properly this time! It worked well with the Steam version I posted though...
Ah, now it's working as it should. Good job! This has a lot of potential. Nice open space, no weather or visual effects to cause lag... should be perfect for a safe base. I do agree with the assessment that the big black void is very creepy, though. The variable gravity is a VERY nice touch - makes it easy to work on the underside. Wonder if the panel works on other worlds, like if you set it up on a planet? Maybe in the future, you could add further functionality, like a slider for background light, maybe something to change the sound? So many possibilities. Potential for n00b mistake by removing the blocks you stand on. But you'll want to be able to change those to match building styles, so yeah. Besides, if a player really messes up like that, they can just erase the "" file and start over. Yeah, this is looking really good. Thumbs up!
Thanks ^^ And also thank you for the first rating x) I precised in the mod's page that the console does NOT work on any other world but the Pocket World. It would be too OP otherwise (it was hard to implement, but I learned by doing this) I also said that I planned to add the possibility to change the environment of the Pocket World, but it's really complicated, I tried to do it but I still don't know how :/ You just resumed everything that people complained and talked about on the Steam page xD
This looks like a really cool mod. I notice that the version on Steam is more recent than the version here. Would it be possible for you to re-upload the newer version here for those of us who didn't buy the game through Steam? (I tried to ask this on Steam itself, but apparently you can't discuss a mod on Steam unless you bought the game through Steam.)