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Please help, Stardew Valley Png to Xnb

Discussion in 'Support' started by ijustlikeanimals, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. ijustlikeanimals

    ijustlikeanimals Yeah, You!

    I have been messing around with the Totally Tubular Toolkit mod (wich was a nightmare on itselve) and with the help of XNB-Mode Toolkit i finally have it figure it out (kinda) extracting png and yam from a xnb file, and afther feelling confident (like the naive little boy i was) i edited the Void Chicken skin (just erased the eyebrow that made it look angry) and i cant find a way to covert the png to xnb for the life of me.
    The problem may be that my xnb node refuces to work, it just wont open and using the Command Prompt says it dosent exist.
    Please help, i take solutions but i have given up so if someone can please change the image to a xnb i will really apresited.

    Sincerely, a man that has been broken by a farm game.

    (i had already post this... i think i have no idea how this works)

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    • margotbean

      margotbean Existential Complex

      Try this one, I grabbed the associated Void Chicken.yaml file from v1.3.33. (You need both to repack the file into .xnb format).

        Attached Files:

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