So my mod worked perfectly before the new update. Now when I play the item isn't even there. I switched the mod version in the the files too and still not working. Anyone have any help. I am very new to mods.
The content of your starbound.log (starbound/Giraffe_storage/) PS: sry for too short / unclear posts, Handy n stuff
I apologise I am very new to modding. But there are several logs. Would you like me to send you the mod files or something?
Nah, I couldn't look through them via mobile, the one without a number is the newest log, thats the one I need.
There should be a file simply called starbound.log, maybe this will help you locating it: If there isn't one, just let it crash again.
Huh, and thats the one with the mod installed? Your latest instance of starbound, that is. Asking because it didn't load any mods.
There are exactly two reasons why mods aren't loaded. 1: There is no modinfo file. 2: The mods are in another subfolder. For example: steamapps/common/starbound/giraffe_storage/mods/avali/avali/avali.modinfo. Correct would be: steamapps/common/starbound/giraffe_storage/mods/avali/avali.modinfo Check those two things. o:
I had them in steamapps/common/starbound/mods should I delete them from there and put them in the giraffe storage part? I duplicated them and put them in the giraffe storage and got errors.
Eww, smartphone crashed, lol. Giraffe_storage/mods is where your mods belong to, yeah. And those errors were exactly what I was looking for, could I get another Starbound.log after the errors occured?
Okay, oh god, that mod is outdated as hell, it's using _merge instead of the patch system. Options: Fix it yourself, theres a guide to json patching written by swat I think, in the mod guide sticky. Wait for someone to assist you. Or wait till tomorrow, or rather later and I'll assist you updating it, but it's 5 am over here. x.x