please for the love of this game, stop making it easier.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Nefelpitou, Apr 11, 2016.

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  1. CarbonCoal

    CarbonCoal Void-Bound Voyager

    The penalty change that was made to the mines didn't make the game easier it made it more balanced.The way it was before was ridiculous, one time I went into the mines and as soon as a got to a new floor 6 to 10 enemies ganged up on me and I died and lost my weapon, everything I found in the mines and some of my farming tools.Keeping the penalty as is was would have just discouraged people from going back into the mines.The strength of the monsters in the mines didn't change in the new patch so I don't get what the problem is.

    Stardew Valley was never meant to be a hard game in the first place, it's a slice of life casual game that you play to relax and not stress over.If you want the game to be extremely hard then you could either enforce your own rules for the game like a Pokemon Nuzlocke or you ask someone to make a hard mode mod for you.
    • Nate McCloud

      Nate McCloud Existential Complex

      How about this, then?

      At character creation, choose between difficulties.

      Easy difficulty is as it is now.
      Medium difficulty is as it was before.
      Hard difficulty, you lose either the rest of your day (and autosave so you can't reload and undo it), all of your money and everything you were carrying (tools included), or both. Doing things that cost stamina when you have none left costs HP.
      Hardcore difficulty, death is death. You'll be joining your grandfather if you run out of HP. Furthermore, using anything that costs stamina when you have none left reduces your maximum HP.

      Hard enough for you?
        RoastedCoconutz likes this.
      • OrSpeeder

        OrSpeeder Phantasmal Quasar

        I really should steal some of that ideas and put in a mod...
          RoastedCoconutz and Nate McCloud like this.
        • Nurio

          Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

          Ahaha... I died today in the mines for the first time, and I personally felt it was completely out of my control. In that regard, I don't think the game is too easy myself. That was simply brutal!
            ChaosAzeroth and ssokolow like this.
          • RoastedCoconutz

            RoastedCoconutz Pangalactic Porcupine

            Sadly, rare seeds a.k.a. sweet gem berries can't be made into either wine or jelly. Great idea otherwise.
            • Caudyr

              Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

              The one suggestion I saw to tackle this w/o penalizing those that NEED TO GO NOW by having to restart their day altogether, would be to have a "Suspend" method, where it "saves" the game...and when you reload it that save is loaded and then DELETED. Could it be exploited in some way? Sure, but...those people that would exploit it are going to find a way to do that ANYWAY, so they're not even worth considering in this case, imo. ^^
              They're pretty lucrative without even doing that, though...though I still wouldn't bother with doing that, personally, heh. =x
              • Arqane

                Arqane Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                As others said, it's mostly just re-balancing. The kiln was the one workstation I never bothered building or using. I even played a game where I didn't go into the mines, making looted coal *much* more rare, but still found that I'd rather buy it and not waste the wood. 20 wood per coal I assume was balanced to make it so it wasn't much less expensive than buying it from Clint. Now it's slightly less expensive, but takes time. But still, I wouldn't really find it useful unless it was around 5 wood per coal. That wasn't really about making the game easier, it was trying to make an item useful and it still came a little short because of price balancing.

                The death penalty was a bit odd. It could be very harsh, but as others said, it would be really easy to just restart the day. It would probably be better and make more sense to lose the items, and the progress you made that day, but could reclaim the items by getting back to the floor. That would be harsh, but give a good reason to continue the game. I actually have some great stories from games back in the day doing corpse runs. In Asheron's Call, after dying once, I had to recruit a couple friends and it took all night to get my stuff back. It also involved having to make another corpse run for one of the guys helping me... good times. This being a casual game, it would make sense to get all your items back (minus some money for reviving/transport to Harvey's) and not have a time where it disappears. It can actually make an interesting challenge in getting it back. Of course, if you have the whole mine mapped, you'd probably have to lose the progress to 10 levels before where you died or so.

                And the bee houses were a good change that was more difficult. I still like to make them en masse, but I have to plan ahead since you can't get sap anywhere other than making it (not counting the very rare few from the traveling merchant). I can't imagine how much money people were making before the change. I already get ~50,000g every couple days from them in the fall of my 1st year.
                • Tyrian

                  Tyrian Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  It's not just ironic, it's outright hypocritical.

                  Everyone is entitled to their opinion. How is that wrong? You're literally saying that people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions on anything in the game.
                  The hypocrisy of it all is that you feel at least just as entitled to how the game should be as everyone else does, but criticize everyone else for having their opinions.
                  The suggestions forum exists so that CA can see what kinds of things people would like to see in the game and decide for himself, which ones he likes, thinks fit the game and are doable.

                  Of course, you think that the punishment was fine and then literally tell everyone how you avoided the punishment by restarting the whole day after dying.
                  The punishment is well-balanced if it's harsh enough to hurt, but not so harsh that restarting the day is a better option.

                  You're literally saying that everyone but yourself should require to use mods to get the experience they want.
                  Why don't you make a mod for what you don't like instead?
                  Sorry, but your post shows you as the most entitled person on the whole forums.

                  You literally show how the feature is useful, but then call it unnecessary and say that it shouldn't even be in the game, since it "doesn't make the game better." The problem is that this is nothing more than your prersonal opinion. Many players like having that feature and do think it makes the game better. Why does something have to be absolutely necessary to be allowed to exist in the game?
                  In e.g. a car, nothing that doesn't contribute to being able to drive the car is actually necessary, yet we see cars being loaded up with buttloads of "unnecessary features."
                  There are tons of things in life that aren't necessary, yet are nice to have anyway.

                  Anyone who claims that Stardew Valley is difficult can't have played any legitimately difficult games, period.
                    Jonesy and Nurio like this.
                  • Nurio

                    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                    Well, sometimes the mines can be very unfair, with monsters spawning in you, or monsters not knocking back at all, or monsters hitting you despite not touching you, or weapons going straight through monsters.
                    Not saying that's how it always is; when combat works, it's easy enough. But sometimes it really feels glitchy, and then it becomes difficult (artificially).
                      ChaosAzeroth likes this.
                    • Frougie

                      Frougie Yeah, You!

                      Dude, its just a fun farming simulator. If you want a challenge go play Dark Souls or Bloodborne.
                      I like to play stardew valley on my VITA to phase out and have a chilled game.

                      Easy games have their purpose and time, as well as hard games.

                      Both are needed for a balanced breakfast:)
                      • The | Suit

                        The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

                        This thread is 2 years old.

                        Please be more aware of the threads before necroing.
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