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Outdated Pixel Goods Store v1.20 (Upbeat Giraffe)

Furniture, furnishings and equipment!

  1. Meanbeans

    Meanbeans Star Wrangler

    Ohhh, thank you =)
  2. Maks2123

    Maks2123 Void-Bound Voyager

    Qestion : Can you add soon the human USCM dungeons funiture because it's boring to raid a bunch of dungeons or raid one and then farm pixels like hell for 3D printing it . I realy please to make it .
  3. Boogy

    Boogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Really sorry, but vanilla stuff is absolutely off-limits, Okea will have only custom made items. I believe you can get any vanilla items you want with creative mod. Although i am planning eventually to create a uscm themed set of items, but they will not be the same that are available in game.
  4. DoomGoddess

    DoomGoddess Star Wrangler

    so my boyfriend is using a mac, and your mod is causing him to crash on start up. He did manage to get it to not crash on start, but it crashes if he goes anywhere near the items related to the mod. It works just fine with my computer and everyone else on the server, though we are PC. He does have Industrialization installed, but so does everyone else. The industrialization stuff works just fine for him.
  5. Boogy

    Boogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Does he have mod installed ? The only thing i could think of that could crash, is that someone with the mod placed custom block object on the server and he doesn't have it installed (or incorrectly installed), and it causes him crashes. Unfortunally i don't own a mac computer to test mod before release, only tested it for pc :/ Maybe he could provide a starbound.log content to see what the error is ?
  6. DoomGoddess

    DoomGoddess Star Wrangler

    He definitely has it installed correctly, its unzipped in his mod file. I checked it. I'll get back to you with that log file
  7. DoomGoddess

    DoomGoddess Star Wrangler

    Info: Running from : /Users/admin/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/Starbound.app/Contents/MacOS/starbound
    Info: Starting from the title screen
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Loading Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '../../../starbound.config'
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Not loading ImageMetadataDatabase from file '../../../image.cache', digest mismatch or assets not digestable
    Info: OpenGL version: '2.1 NVIDIA-8.18.22 310.40.05f01' vender: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine' shader: '1.20'
    Info: Created initial window 1000x600
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for chestplant1, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for barvent, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for wreckvent, using default
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Error: Error loading player file, ignoring! ../../../player/87c3d89e254238bbb755058e63f988d2.player : IOException: Wrong magic bytes at start of versioned json file, expected 'SBVJ01'
    0 starbound 0x000000010e869ec5 _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 277
    1 starbound 0x000000010e62439b _ZN4Star16VersionedVariant8readFileERKNS_6StringE + 523
    2 starbound 0x000000010e4ecff2 _ZN4Star13PlayerStorage4initEv + 2338
    3 starbound 0x000000010e007f51 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication24postSplashInitializationEv + 513
    4 starbound 0x000000010e00a7b6 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv + 550
    5 starbound 0x000000010e01b1e2 _ZN4Star19StarApplicationBase3runEv + 1330
    6 starbound 0x000000010e0190bb SDL_main + 411
    7 starbound 0x000000010e13e790 -[SDLMain applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 48
    8 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8e96cfcc __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
    9 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8e860c5d _CFXNotificationPost + 2893
    10 Foundation 0x00007fff8a6b34aa -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:eek:bject:userInfo:] + 68
    11 AppKit 0x00007fff8956bb79 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 289
    12 AppKit 0x00007fff8956b8ac -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 195
    13 AppKit 0x00007fff89568796 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 570
    14 AppKit 0x00007fff895681eb -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 242
    15 Foundation 0x00007fff8a6d1eaa -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 294
    16 Foundation 0x00007fff8a6d1d1d _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 106
    17 AE 0x00007fff8b495e1f _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_jPh + 381
    18 AE 0x00007fff8b495c32 _ZL25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 31
    19 AE 0x00007fff8b495b36 aeProcessAppleEvent + 315
    20 HIToolbox 0x00007fff88a5c5f1 AEProcessAppleEvent + 56
    21 AppKit 0x00007fff895640f6 _DPSNextEvent + 1026
    22 AppKit 0x00007fff895638db -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 122
    23 AppKit 0x00007fff895579cc -[NSApplication run] + 553
    24 starbound 0x000000010e13ede3 main + 1299
    25 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff88f375fd start + 1
  8. Boogy

    Boogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i'm not familiar with mac systems, but from the looks of it i think his character save is corrupted, unfortunally that means it's not playable anymore. Does he have same problem with other characters ? if that's the case, then only full reinstall might help or by avoiding this mod. He could "restore" his character though by using this mod - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/starcheat.699/ by making new character and editing it with that mod editor.

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Curious to know if that player file is absolutely corrupted, and how does this kind of corruption happen? Anyone know?
  10. Boogy

    Boogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, sometimes (if its mod related) corruption might happen if you have item from mod in your inventory and you uninstall that mod, after that - 90% that you get perfectly generic item and 10% corrupted character.
  11. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Intersting. Yeah, I've had people get gen items before didn't realize it could corrupt your save. Thanks for the info!
  12. DoomGoddess

    DoomGoddess Star Wrangler

    It's not the character. The crashing was happening before he made a character. He only just updated to Furious Koala so his files were new.
  13. Boogy

    Boogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would advice doing a clean install of a client instead of update, i think some players both on macs and pcs had problems when they did steam update over existing old client. Other than that i can't help, sorry :/ . There is a support forum here - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?forums/support/ , people there might be more competent at finding out what the problem is, some mac related crashes were discussed there before i believe.
  14. BeeTee

    BeeTee Big Damn Hero

    Yes it is still happening, can't make the tiny okea store item either. Have tried everything twice now, and nothing seems to work :\
  15. DoomGoddess

    DoomGoddess Star Wrangler

    I didn't even think of that because I had no problems with the update. But it totally solved the problem. Haha another case of unplug it then plug it back in
  16. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Sup !

    What about adding some Furnitures and Objects for Pubs / Oktoberfest buildings ? Tables with checkered blue and white tablecloth, pubs counters, decorative bretzels, the typical bier garten pole ( image here ), etc etc !! All this beer themed stuff can be a good combo with the StarBooze mod !
  17. Boogy

    Boogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Heh, i'll think about it, maybe after i'm done with the racial stuff :) I actually had an idea to add bar stools and bar itself, might as well expand it a bit.
    Psygnosis likes this.
  18. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    oke ! really hope to see this Pub / Bar stuff !
  19. Boogy

    Boogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Boogy updated OKEA Kiosk with a new update entry:

    New items, Apex pack, re-enabled blocks.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. HiVoltage

    HiVoltage Void-Bound Voyager

    So, will my Apex say depressing things about the Apex-themed objects? That TV looks ripe for the depressing story by my Apex.

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