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Bug/Issue Persistent item descriptions

Discussion in 'Support' started by th1nk, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. th1nk

    th1nk Space Hobo

    System: PC on Steam
    BuildID: 1949708
    Settings: Window mode, use of wired Xbox 360 controller

    Description: In the Community Center, browsing Bundles after entering any golden scroll, selecting a Bundle Package, moving the cursor to any viable personal inventory item (weapons/tools excluded), and then moving back one screen to the "Bundle Package" navigation menu by pressing the "B" button - the description of the personal inventory item will remain persistent on the cursor rather than the expected Bundle description. This effect remains until leaving the entire Bundle navigation menu.

    Additional Information: Bug not triggered when clicking the "Back" arrow on the menu to return to the previous page

    Similar bug is also present in the Artifact donation menu with Gunther - after collecting a reward (moving it to your personal inventory) while still in the screen with the reward "inventory" and your personal inventory, moving cursor to the empty cell where the reward item was previously triggers a pop-up description of the item even though it is no longer present.

    Impact on Gameplay: Overall minimal, however it makes navigating the Bundle menus frustrating and confusing, especially in window mode given that the persistent item descriptions take up a large portion of the screen and it's not possible to see the native Bundle names without leaving and re-entering the menu to avoid triggering the bug.

    Screenshot attached

    Cheers and thank you for an awesome game

      Attached Files:

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