
Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by RioNiss, Nov 21, 2012.


Do you want to see this in the game?

  1. Yes!

    29 vote(s)
  2. No! Stop... What did I saying?

    7 vote(s)
  1. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Hello, guys! This is Peng-o-Crown!

    Look at him! He looks like a penguin-king!​
    He looks like a penguin! This guy looks at him and thinks he's a penguin!​
    What is it? It's Peng-o-Crown! Very stylish hat for Starbound!​
    And this is my art for you, guys :3
    Old version:​
    Penguin! Penguin! Penguin!
    -le RioNiss
    yoppyx, Karamunin, tedlil and 24 others like this.
  2. Seb

    Seb Phantasmal Quasar

    Hah! This is nice, especially since penguins are Starbound's beloved mascot animal.
  3. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Thanks for reply! I will try to do a better version of this hat. Tomorrow.
  4. ZoLyn

    ZoLyn Aquatic Astronaut

    I think that's slowly changing into Floran's... For a reason I will not disclose lol.


    Love the hat, its adorable! :D
    Luci likes this.
  5. Seb

    Seb Phantasmal Quasar

    Oho~? Now I'm curious.
  6. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Floran? No, thank you. I don't want to wear a hat like a head of Floran. Lmao. Penguins are more cute.
  7. Cyrax

    Cyrax Void-Bound Voyager

    I like this hat! It's cute.:)
  8. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    i agree with penguin crowns.
    but only because by pure coincidence my profile pic is a penguin wearing a crown
  9. Luci

    Luci Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "They are the adorablest murderplants ever!" Soon it'll be the penguins. Again.

    Very nice hat!
  10. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Thanks, guys!

    This is original idea. Stop make clones of this, please.
  11. Suruks

    Suruks Space Spelunker

    looks nice.
  12. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Thanks! I'm very happy, because someone likes my hat.
    Now, i made a second version of Peng-o-Crown. What do you like? First or Second?
    Luci likes this.
  13. Much better with wings:)
    С крыльями лучше :D
  14. Schatzy

    Schatzy Starship Captain

    Lol, hell YES. This is AMAZING. MUST BE IN THE GAME.

    HIVEMIND Aquatic Astronaut

    This is pretty boss, second version is better.
  16. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    So, its update!
  17. rimvydas

    rimvydas Astral Cartographer

    Great hat !! :DD
  18. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Thanks, guys! Today i try to do a different colors for hat.
  19. Schatzy

    Schatzy Starship Captain

    Red and Yellow. Those are the colors you need.
  20. rimvydas

    rimvydas Astral Cartographer

    penguin is a good idea cause there will be a lot of penguins :D

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