Hello, guys! This is Peng-o-Crown! Look at him! He looks like a penguin-king! He looks like a penguin! This guy looks at him and thinks he's a penguin! What is it? It's Peng-o-Crown! Very stylish hat for Starbound! And this is my art for you, guys Old version: Penguin! Penguin! Penguin! -le RioNiss
I think that's slowly changing into Floran's... For a reason I will not disclose lol. - Love the hat, its adorable!
Floran? No, thank you. I don't want to wear a hat like a head of Floran. Lmao. Penguins are more cute.
i agree with penguin crowns. but only because by pure coincidence my profile pic is a penguin wearing a crown
Thanks! I'm very happy, because someone likes my hat. -------------------- Now, i made a second version of Peng-o-Crown. What do you like? First or Second?