Modding Help Peglaci Rebirth - Discussion

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Gratuitous Lurking, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Well, at this point, the future of the Peglaci seems set in stone. At the moment, I'm personally digging through the game's assets and the old Peglaci mod to kinda sorta hodgepodge a working basic setup for the Peglaci, but my eventual hope is to setup a system similar to Avali Triage, where the Peglaci can be modded and added on by the fans of them, while kept update a bit faster than, well, a person who hasn't done ANYTHING with modding before who's using this project to learn how it works ^^;

    Mostly this thread is here to see if anyone else would be interested in working on the Peglaci rebuild for 1.0, or if the early moments will be mostly doing assetflips with another race to at least get it working, and THEN getting assistance for further features or more complex stuff like the unique firearm system they had.

    Never heard of the Peglaci? Check it here -
  2. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I'll look into updating the basics, but I can't do lua so the weapons and status effects are off limits for me.
  3. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Feel free, most of what I was doing thus far was copypasting things into the new file format and including a few file copies from other sources that'd be required for the Peglaci (a copy of the fleeing ship sprite from the intro for example.) If anything, I think the big focus to get it to a working state would be getting the ship, player, and gear up to Tungsten sans the weapon should be the priority.
    --- Post updated ---
    Progress update: I think I got all the file structure rebuilt and prepped to continue at least from this point. I get too energetic today, I may even try to piece together the Peglaci race code and ship for a quick test.
  4. Peelz

    Peelz Giant Laser Beams

    If you guys get stuck on any Lua problems, feel free to post them here and I can try to help :)
  5. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Well, I think the biggest issue there of course would be in how the Peglaci's firearms worked before. This was prior to when we got secondaries, so all the Peglaci gear had special effects either when fired for prolonged periods, or when held down and charged prior to firing. While in theory we could convert it to simply secondary fire modes (though that doesn't quite work for the Pistols and similar 1handers) reinstating the charge and over time specials could be a nice touch to keep Peglaci unique.

    Otherwise, I think the biggest things needed is frankenstiening code, and maybe spriting a few new stations to make the Peglaci new stuff fit in the new crafting system.

    If needbe, I still got a copy of the peglaci assets that I can put on mediafire or something, and of course they're still on Starbound's mods section.
  6. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I've created a GitHub repository for Peglaci - Rebirth, found here:

    The _Peglaci folder is the remainder of the old assets from the old fan update of the Peglaci mod. It is not loaded by Starbound 1.0 because of the underscore (_) in front of the folder name, and that is fully intentional.

    The Peglaci - Rebirth folder is the assets that I have already updated or am in the process of updating. The basics are done, but I just started importing ship objects to allow characters to load so the objects I've incorporated are far from complete.


    I'm still newish to GitHub so I do not know if the repository can be edited by just anyone yet - however, feel free to download it and make edits on your side. Share them here if you can't fork the repository.
    Ixantir likes this.
  7. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    I'll see what I can do about comparing and contrasting some of the examine text and add in some of the new early-quest assets into it. Once we hit 1.0 it'd help to include the Intro and Ark stuff into it.
  8. Djinn

    Djinn They're not goats, darnit!

    I'd love to help in some capacity with this. I'm currently updating the thing to 1.0 (painfully and slowly, lots has changed), so watch this space. I think it definitely makes more sense to have this be a community mod that people can add to, so I'm first going to make sure we have a solid and balanced foundation to work off of.
  9. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    By all means, use my git repo as a jump-off point. I haven't polished the ships objects, but I have ensured that the Peglaci are selectable at character creation (provided a character creation extender mod is also installed), the game doesn't crash when you skip the Protectorate tutorial mission, and that the Peglaci are at least partially playable.

    Everything I haven't looked at is included in the _Peglaci folder in the repo.

    In fact, if you would like to take over the gitHub repository, just say the word man.
  10. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    I've mostly been thinking up and writing down descriptions for various things as well as a few ideas on my end of things, tho not added anything to github yet, mostly organizing stuff.

    One of the big things I was thinking of was a way to incorporate the Peglaci into the tutorial without, well,making an entirely new tutorial. If there is a easy way to tweak the dialog, we could make it so the Peglaci Peacekeepers were invited to watch the graduation ceremony before things went to shit (during which instead of a Protectorate uniform they'd get the T1 Peglaci Armor as usual for the advance kitting they get, but otherwise they get all the rest of the stuff the same way- Matter Manipulator, the Broken Broadsword, and the Torn Protectorate Cape should they find it.)

    Otherwise, it's mostly been thinking up descriptors for the new iitems in the Ark, the few new vendors that were out since Peglaci was a thing, and debating if I should look up how Codexes work to convert and rewrite the Queris logs into actual Peglaci codexes to find in other race's settlements.
  11. Djinn

    Djinn They're not goats, darnit!

    Yeah, that's dead on what I was thinking of. First I want to make sure you can progress through the game as normal, then I'll see if I can tweak the intro slightly. It will probably be easier to spin it such that you're a Peacekeeper who is also graduating the Protectorate - no need to change people's dialogue as you're leaving the area. It's just a matter of seeing what the triggers are and whether they can be retooled with a custom file. Currently, all the armors have been ported over and nothing's crashing just yet, which is nice. The weapons look like there needs to be some substantial retooling... but I think as for secondary fire I ought to leave them as they are. The reason they're set up this way is so they'll animate when they change forms, which I like the aesthetics of. However, giving them some kind of... tertiary(?) attack might make sense. Like some kind of melee bash or something fun like that, so you can fire, charge fire, or use your other attack.
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Yo Djinn, I really want to help update the Peglaci so I submitted a few things to the gitHub repo I made, but it seems you've not been submitting any changes to the repo while updating the mod yourself. Should I just delete the repo?
  13. Djinn

    Djinn They're not goats, darnit!

    No, I think keep it up - I was just dipping my toes in figuring out how to mod again. However, I have NO IDEA how to use github! Regardless, I'll upload what I have in a few hours with a change log.
  14. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

  15. Djinn

    Djinn They're not goats, darnit!

    Apparently I need push access to upload stuff - I'll post it informally in thread for you guys to look anyhow!

    Change Log:
    - So, first of all, it runs! You can get through the tutorial, start your ship up, and play through the game, as far as I can tell.
    - A BUNCH of items are horrifyingly broken! Hurray! Lots of stuff became .activeitem so I need to switch everything over.
    - However, armor has been transferred over somewhat - all armor and clothing has proper and equivalent stats to vanilla races. Why did I do this first? I do not know!
    - They have a custom teleport animation because why not

    I think that's all I've done so far. I'd like to try to release this week, and for that I need to at least have none of the items currently in the game to crash it!

    edit: Also I need a short description for the character selection screen, if anyone feels like whipping one up! Something short and pithy like the vanilla races'.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  16. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Okay, so tell me your name and I'll add you in it.
  17. Djinn

    Djinn They're not goats, darnit!

    Ha, apparently it's just 'Peglaci'
  18. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Sorry, I was playing Isaac. Anyway, invite sent.
  19. Djinn

    Djinn They're not goats, darnit!

    Hmm, I can't add the folder - getting a 'Yowza, that's a lot of files! Try with less than 100 files!' error. Still learning the ropes!
  20. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Please accept the team invite. I believe it should fix your inability to commit stuff.

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