Modding Help Pbr mod error in multiplayer after deleting.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Libra Burner, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Libra Burner

    Libra Burner Space Spelunker


    So i saw the pbr mod and decided to mess around with it until the multiplayer server filled up a bit more. After messing around with it a bit and finding that yes not even the outfits or anything works in multi i decided to get rid of it. some mods say "replace the mod with this blank file" which i did not see in the description of pbr. I then become a **** genius and decided to just deleted the pbr mod from where all my mods are.

    Now lucky this only caused the error you can see in the attached file for one character this is my favorite character who also holds a lot of stuff i'd rather not have to try and get again.

    So is there a way to "fix" this character and save her from deletion and me from hours of finding the items again?


    Attached Files:

  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    post your starbound.log file
  3. Libra Burner

    Libra Burner Space Spelunker

    How do i do that?

    Edit: there are 5 how do i know which one i need?
  4. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    The first one in the list.

    Sounds like you don't have file extensions on so it will probably show up as just "starbound"
  5. Libra Burner

    Libra Burner Space Spelunker

    Well this for some reason when i did upload a file here only one showed up so i hope this is what you need to help me fix this.

    Attached Files:

  6. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Have you started the game more than 3 times since installing/removing the mod?
  7. Libra Burner

    Libra Burner Space Spelunker

    Yep, I wanted to make sure so i tested if it did it for single too and it happened twice in multi. At least 3 yeah.

    Sounds like i'l be remaking that character after all. Such fun that's gonna be.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  8. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Well restoring a backup from before you installed the mod is out of the question then. :rofl:

    Best I can think of at the moment is to reinstall the mod, load your character, and remove EVERYTHING related from that mod from your inventory, storage, etc. Trash it all. THEN, delete the mod.
  9. Libra Burner

    Libra Burner Space Spelunker

    Well going into multiplayer magically deletes everything i have placed in my ship so that should be doable. Worth a try.
  10. Libra Burner

    Libra Burner Space Spelunker

    Okay i failed. Here's what i think causes it. When i went onto a multiplayer server it fucked up the crafting tables in the mod i had placed. I can't see them anymore, nor use them but there's still collision where they were. Any thoughts on how to get rid of that?

    Edit: they went away after placing things over them and then removing those but still crashes without the mod.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  11. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Try to place blocks over them.

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