Pause in Single Player

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Dest, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Paragon123

    Paragon123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pausing needs to be in the game. There is absolutely no game mechanic/fun factor/challenge B.S that should prevent a simple pause button. Make the screen black I don't care, but I like to play perma-death and I don't like to save/quit when I dig too deep... but without a pause button it's getting retarded.

    Also, there needs to be an option to always show the hunger meter... or at least always show it when YOUR GOING TO DIE FROM HUNGER. It is so incredibly annoying to beam down to a planet and immediately starve on a perma-death character just because I don't have a sound card or a pause button.
  2. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    Sure, I agree, there's no real reason for the hunger bar to disappear, but not having a sound card is on you. You can't blame Chucklefish for not designing the game to play perfectly on incomplete rigs.
    Jbeetle likes this.
  3. Paragon123

    Paragon123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I did post immediately after dieing that way, so it was a bit biased.... but as far as I can tell, hunger is the only mechanic that will kill you that is only notified by a sound effect. Tempeture is always visibile when it will kill you as will air.
  4. spedrickson

    spedrickson Void-Bound Voyager

    massive thread necro but i don't even care

    how was this not included in the big stable update? not having a pause feature for single player was fine when it hit early access, but a year later its unacceptable. was really excited to get back into the game but now apparently I have to wait for another patch which for all we know could take another 11 months. Chucklefish I really want to be on your side but stuff like this makes it impossible.

    we shouldn't have to beg on your forums for you to implement a feature pretty much every single player game ever has
  5. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Oh quit your whining. Not like Food is an issue for you people anymore. You can go AFK or alt tab as much as you want.
  6. spedrickson

    spedrickson Void-Bound Voyager

    Way to be constructive by calling a basic feature request "whining". And no, you can't go AFK or alt tab as much as you want, because the game still runs in the background. Any random creatures that show up can still kill you. Or what if you need to pause during a boss fight/deep underground/in a dungeon? Or if you're on a planet with meteors, or any of a dozen other hazards you can't leave your character unattended in.

    I shouldn't have to justify my request for a feature every single player game in the last 20 years has had.
  7. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    You can cover your self in dirt to protect yourself against most things. That is what I do when I need to hit the washroom. Meteors could be a problem, but usually its not hard to get a little ways underground. Pause would be nice though, maybe they'll put it in the final release.
  8. spedrickson

    spedrickson Void-Bound Voyager

    This won't work in dungeons, which are the place you would most want to protect yourself. Until you beat the dungeon you can't place any blocks, so there is no way to make sure you can't be hurt in a dungeon, making going AFK for any amount of time very dangerous. This is especially infuriating since dungeons reset if you die, so you lose all progress if you go AFK in an unsafe area. Pausing would alleviate all this.
    MrLevi likes this.
  9. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah, I didn't know that. I haven't gotten that far in the new update yet.
    spedrickson likes this.
  10. Dest

    Dest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't be an asshole.
    Wish I had more to say than that to make this a constructive post.
    Add a freakin' proper pause, Chucklefish
  11. Totentag

    Totentag Void-Bound Voyager

    Best Answer
    So, this question was being discussed in the #Starbound IRC on Freenode, and we got a dev to come in and give a decent, hard answer as to why it isn't a thing yet.

    <OmnipotentEntity> ask omni what?
    <teledoor24> Or OmnipotentEntity, that'll p- hi
    <OmnipotentEntity> hi
    <afro> they want to know why starbound in't pausable
    <OmnipotentEntity> Because even in single player you're technically playing multiplayer over a memory pipe.

    <Totentag> o.o
    <afro> there ya go
    <OmnipotentEntity> And we just haven't special cased it to allow for pausing.
    <afro> designed for multiplayer, as mentioned before
    <Totentag> Does that not also apply to games like Elite: Dangerous, which do have a pause functionality?
    <OmnipotentEntity> They probably have the single player special cased to allow pausing
    <OmnipotentEntity> we haven't spent the time on it yet

    <teledoor24> Now that you mention it I think I already knew that. Except I forgot.
    <Totentag> So it IS a planned thing then?
    <OmnipotentEntity> I can't make that promise, I know we've discussed it before, and it was something we've wanted to do but I'm on sabbatical, so I haven't had my finger on the chucklefish pulse lately.
    <OmnipotentEntity> I can't think of a reason why that would have changed
    <OmnipotentEntity> but I don't know it for certain, and I'm not really in a position where I can personally make it happen
    <OmnipotentEntity> so I don't want to make a promise I can't personally keep

    <Totentag> So realistically, it will probably be implimented eventually, you just don't have a /hard/ answer?
    <OmnipotentEntity> yeah
    * Quatroking has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    <afro> it is as fuzzy an answer as it always has been, which is fine. there are larger features to nail.
    <Totentag> Good enough for me, Omni. Suppose I can just go back to the silent majority that is simply going to wait for full release before really giving the game a decent try. Though to be fair, if it's still not a thing at full release, I'm probably going to eat a kitten or something, because I totally could have bought a case of beer with that pre-order money. ;D
    <teledoor24> TFW you scroll down to the comments of a Beck music video
    <Totentag> OmnipotentEntity, would you be opposed to me saving this conversation for the sake of sharing if it/when the question comes up again?
    <teledoor24> and every comment is "FUCK YOU KANYE"
    <OmnipotentEntity> Totentag: I don't mind.
    <Totentag> Hurrah!
    Hopefully that's good enough for you lot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2015
  12. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Well, in all fairness, pausing has become... less important as of late.

    I mean, the missions, you can usually escape to a safe zone, someplace you've cleared before, and hole up where enemies can't reach you, then go do a thing.

    But I suppose it'd be nice for emergency need-to-pause now situations... dog barfing on the carpet or something...
  13. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    Every single player game should have a pause option, without one a game cannot truly be complete.
    Boshed likes this.
  14. xSlacker

    xSlacker Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, Dark Souls or any of those related games didn't have a pause function... But those are, uhm... Hardcore games?

    ... and I don't see Starbound as a "Hardcore" survival game or whatever...
    A pause fucntion would be nice, for Single Player, of course.
    XRiZUX likes this.
  15. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah, I agree. Games like Dark Souls are made to be hard in the way that you can only save the progression at specific locations within the game itself. Although I see Starbound as a more casual game and in that sense it would make sense to pause the game at any point in time that you want in single player mode, the same way that you could save the progression at any point in time while playing.
  16. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Moved to F.A.Q - Added Best Answer - Colored Relevant Quotes for convenience.
  17. DX388

    DX388 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You must not be a married adult with kids. The only time I can sit back and have even 30 minutes free of interuptions is.... well never. I am constantly having to step away because of the kids or wife in an instant's notice and most times I come back 5-10 minutes later dead. Even thought I'd be safe one time in my house when I ran out and came back to a meteor shower having wiped it out and killed me. There isn't time to spend 5 minutes walking back or hopping up caves (or even walling yourself in) in parenthood. Ever tried telling your wife to wait 5 minutes? Mine has threatened to flip the breaker before!
    I would also play at work (Being in IT :halo: ) but can't since I only have a few seconds to hide it when people walk up. 95% of the places I could be at any given time in it will kill me if I cant pause it before minimizing. Its a long trek back.

    For Busy ADULTS playing a *casual game* solo, a pause is a necessity.
    But this has been a moot point for almost 2.5 years now that I doubt they will ever help us on.
    Kashmir likes this.
  18. Ameb

    Ameb Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I used to suspend Starbound (suspend the process running the game with programs like process explorer) when i had to afk and then resume it when i was back. But that crashed the game many times.

    Today i realized i can just type "/admin" so i can't take damage while im not there. U cant retype it when ure back (Pressing the up arrrow is fast)

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