Pause in Single Player

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Dest, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Dest

    Dest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Will that ever be a thing? Personally, when I play, it's usually as a background activity to chatting with a friend, and I can't safely click off of the game, unless I'm secure in my base or ship. In multiplayer it wouldn't be an issue, because you're certainly not supposed to alt-tab in that.

    Just a thought, would like to see it implemented somehow ^_^
  2. Totentag

    Totentag Void-Bound Voyager

    Best Answer
    So, this question was being discussed in the #Starbound IRC on Freenode, and we got a dev to come in and give a decent, hard answer as to why it isn't a thing yet.

    <OmnipotentEntity> ask omni what?
    <teledoor24> Or OmnipotentEntity, that'll p- hi
    <OmnipotentEntity> hi
    <afro> they want to know why starbound in't pausable
    <OmnipotentEntity> Because even in single player you're technically playing multiplayer over a memory pipe.

    <Totentag> o.o
    <afro> there ya go
    <OmnipotentEntity> And we just haven't special cased it to allow for pausing.
    <afro> designed for multiplayer, as mentioned before
    <Totentag> Does that not also apply to games like Elite: Dangerous, which do have a pause functionality?
    <OmnipotentEntity> They probably have the single player special cased to allow pausing
    <OmnipotentEntity> we haven't spent the time on it yet

    <teledoor24> Now that you mention it I think I already knew that. Except I forgot.
    <Totentag> So it IS a planned thing then?
    <OmnipotentEntity> I can't make that promise, I know we've discussed it before, and it was something we've wanted to do but I'm on sabbatical, so I haven't had my finger on the chucklefish pulse lately.
    <OmnipotentEntity> I can't think of a reason why that would have changed
    <OmnipotentEntity> but I don't know it for certain, and I'm not really in a position where I can personally make it happen
    <OmnipotentEntity> so I don't want to make a promise I can't personally keep

    <Totentag> So realistically, it will probably be implimented eventually, you just don't have a /hard/ answer?
    <OmnipotentEntity> yeah
    * Quatroking has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    <afro> it is as fuzzy an answer as it always has been, which is fine. there are larger features to nail.
    <Totentag> Good enough for me, Omni. Suppose I can just go back to the silent majority that is simply going to wait for full release before really giving the game a decent try. Though to be fair, if it's still not a thing at full release, I'm probably going to eat a kitten or something, because I totally could have bought a case of beer with that pre-order money. ;D
    <teledoor24> TFW you scroll down to the comments of a Beck music video
    <Totentag> OmnipotentEntity, would you be opposed to me saving this conversation for the sake of sharing if it/when the question comes up again?
    <teledoor24> and every comment is "FUCK YOU KANYE"
    <OmnipotentEntity> Totentag: I don't mind.
    <Totentag> Hurrah!
    Hopefully that's good enough for you lot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2015
  3. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    It has been a very widely-requested feature (at least in singleplayer mode) for quite awhile, actually. I think one of the first requests for it was at least 2 years ago!

    I have not heard an official "yes" or "no", however it would be something that would make playing Starbound much more convenient (less punishing) for players that have interruptions while they play (read: families).
  4. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Sure it will be, it's a fairly important feature to have in the game. Saying that, it's likely not a priority when stacked against other areas of development.
  5. flameswilllive

    flameswilllive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think that so people don't just pause and save and quit to save their buts, that they should have to press esc, then press a button that pauses time, or that it only pauses time if enemies aren't in a certain range and/or aren't attacking you (And tells you if time is paused).
  6. Maxxcraft

    Maxxcraft Starship Captain

    Well, if there isn't any official answer, it's surely because it's hard to say if this feature is appropriate to a survival game... I know most people think it's punishing to be killed because you alt-tab out of the game, but the game can be quite punishing at other times, so...
  7. flameswilllive

    flameswilllive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Which i why i think it should pause time if your NOT in combat, and/or if there aren't enemies nearby. that way, an enemy can't bomb you when its off-screen, when you believed you are safe (especially since music and sound is muted when you alt-tab).
  8. Maxxcraft

    Maxxcraft Starship Captain

    Well, i usually don't play in fullscreen. This way, the sound doesn't stop playing while you're not looking at the game :)
  9. Fresh Ears

    Fresh Ears Big Damn Hero

    It's pretty easy to get safe in this game though. For example, when I have to afk (which is like every 5 minutes haha) I just wall some dirt around myself with enough room for a bed or chair, maybe a campfire if the area is cold at night, and then click on the bed or chair and afk I go! Nothing can get to me as long as one of those huge meteors doesn't come crashing through. Afaik, when you are in a chair or a bed, your food meter doesn't deplete, and monsters won't go through your dirt walls, so you can basically call time out whenever you want. ^^
  10. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Not a thing yet but it needs to be.
    Dest likes this.
  11. Dest

    Dest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I didn't know that! Thanks for the tip. This should do until a proper pause function is implemented.

    Also, using Terraria as an example, it pauses when it isn't the window in focus. I've generally thought that was a good method.
    Dante12129 likes this.
  12. flameswilllive

    flameswilllive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Its stops for me irregardless of fullscreen

    I'd be happy with this too.

    A.) Takes too long for a 20 second distraction
    B.) too long for rapidly getting distracted
    C.) I'd rather not waste 2-3 inv slots every time i go somewhere (I usually have a nearly full inv everywhere i go)
  13. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    I would love to see this. I remember when MC merged the multiplayer and singleplayer code into one base and thus single player no longer paused... so many dirt capsules built to PM my friends (or take care of my dogs)... and then it would be night by the time I got back to the game to boot. I was super glad when they added it back it.

    For starbound I have had to have had to just quit the game when I have to let 2-4 of my 4 dogs out. No way I can get them to do the deed and also not die from starvation and if i'm underground well... it is that, suicide and return to the ship, or take the time to climb out and risk them making a mess so... I would LOVE me some pause.
  14. Harlander

    Harlander Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No. Just pause in the menu, for pete's sake.
  15. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    Alt-tabbing, sure.
    When you're in game it shouldn't pause. It shouldn't allow you to use items during the pause anyway.
  16. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    I agree on items, and it would be nice to see other ways of pause not being able to be used to cheat but on the other hand there are times you need to step away from a computer for a bit (Mine is currently my family's dogs and used to be to take care of my bedridden grandfather or fire drills in my dormitory). With ore drop now it is kind of annoying I have to exit to the title screen if I have to get all 4 of the dogs unless I take the laptop with me and make sure to check my hunger bar when I come back from taking one out..
  17. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    Yeah, might be a bit dumb to minimize the game everytime you step away.
  18. Starboundcommunity566

    Starboundcommunity566 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Its not like this is the only game without pause I was playing 7 days to die today (Which is like dayz + minecraft) and it has no pause too. And at the start with the single/multi merge you couldn't pause in minecraft (Which imo was vastly better, since in that game if you logged out and back you'd be in the same exact spot).
  19. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Might not be as bad since someone mentioned ore drop is being removed. Still hate I will have to trek all the way back to where I was because I starved to death.

    Yeah, The pause is just a matter of convenience. It is just annoying sometimes to have to shut down a game or disconnect from a server in order to go do something that will take just enough time to kill you. I mean pause or no pause i will still play.
  20. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    Ore drop is a thing? I had no idea...
  21. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Yeah in the nightlies they were testing ore drop on death, which makes dying very tedious.

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