Paths spritesheet Explanation

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Jensie, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Jensie

    Jensie Aquatic Astronaut

    I want to create my custom map but in Tiled there are some Paths.png sprites that are not yet explained on the wiki. This is the link: This picture is outdated. Can someone please explain what the new Paths.png sprites mean?
      HopeWasHere likes this.
    • MouseyPounds

      MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

      I don't know what the wavy one and the skull-looking one are, but according to this reddit post, the last 2 (indices 29 & 30) relate to where the game will automatically place cabins when choosing that option on starting a new multiplayer file.

      EDIT: OK, found references to the other two in StardewValley.GameLocation.loadObjects(). The wavy one (index 27) adds a "BrookSounds" map property and the skull (index 28) identifies the grub locations in the Mutant Bug Lair.

      case 27:
          this.changeMapProperties("BrookSounds", string.Concat(new object[]
              " ",
              " 0"
      case 28:
          string a =;
          if (a == "BugLand")
              this.characters.Add(new Grub(new Vector2(tile.X * 64f, tile.Y * 64f), true));
      case 29:
      case 30:
          if (Game1.startingCabins > 0)
              PropertyValue pv = null;
              t.Properties.TryGetValue("Order", out pv);
              if (pv != null && int.Parse(pv.ToString()) <= Game1.startingCabins && ((t.TileIndex == 29 && !Game1.cabinsSeparate) || (t.TileIndex == 30 && Game1.cabinsSeparate)))
        Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
        HopeWasHere likes this.

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