i have dreams that sometimes reuse enviroments but with different stories. two examples. the earliest i can remember was the freezer under my home. each time this dream happend it was in the same place. but different things happend. like how i found it. when i found it. but it looked almost entirely the same with it being in the same spot. the latest example happened last night. and each time it was Legend of Zelda themed. there is a windmill near the coast...but it floats on its own. a deserty beach with monsters everywhere. and a cliff with a path up to it. those are some of the details that have been the same consitantly with the dreams they appear in. i remember one time i entered the windmill with foul green fog inside it, with the undead everywhere. a while after that i had the dream with the enviroment was the same minus the fog inside the windmill. it was said to have been cleansed of evil by someone i spoke to. but the other 3 times the windmill was just scenery with no story behind it. what does this mean? if anything that is.
I am not a psychologist or someone who studies dreams but what I think it means is the mind is trying to make a story out of an area you consider most desirable, and it's just reusing images and scenarios to make a small story.