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RELEASED Pandora's Box (Legacy) V4.0.2-Final

This aims to add variations to unique monsters, add uniques of it's own, and other little tweaks!

  1. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    ManicRykker submitted a new mod:

    Pandora's Box - This aims to add variations to unique monsters, add uniques of it's own, and other little tweaks!

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    I love the idea of this mod; it reminds me of a similar mod I was working on a long time ago, but eventually lost interest in it. I still have the sprites to some of the monsters if you would like to use them.
  3. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd be very interested! If you provided them, I'd even give you credit! Contributions are always appreciated. ^_^
  4. Lord Humungus

    Lord Humungus Big Damn Hero

    Is this compatible with Frackin Universe by any chance?
  5. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    Should be. The nocttops are their own monsters, the variants are just individual monster parts (The worst that could happen to them is if another mod changed a unique monster's category type in their file, and that would be gruesome... and even then it would just cause *my* stuff to not work)..

    And any other files are patchwork/unrelated to other mods.

    If you did encounter any problems with other mods though, I'd actually really want to know, to make an effort to rectify them.
  6. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    I have six monster variant concepts here that I shall describe to you one by one. Let me know what you think.

    The first one is an icy variant of the Peblit that I like to call the Berglit.
    It resembles a small ice berg (More accurately an ice cube since it is so tiny)

    The second is a mutant Mandraflora. Its colours are inspired by some foliage I saw on a mutated planet once; other unique features include the single yellow eye and the mischievous fanged mouth

    The third monster I like to call the "Rust Bobot". I was inspired to make this when I observed some clean and pristine looking Bobots wandering around among some rusty buildings. This one looks like he has been through quite a bit, he is caked in rust, and one of his eyes have stopped functioning. (This design is a little rough around the edges, I think it could look better if it had a splotchy patterning to its rust)


    The fourth is similar to the Rust Bobot. It is a rusty Scandroid. It noticeably is has a part of its visor broken. I was also thinking of making one of its legs appear to only emerge half-way because of its poor condition.

    The fifth monster is a mushroom like Smoglin variant called a Shroomlin. It has a red body with white spots along its back. It also breaths poisonous mushroom spores instead of smog because of its new high mushroom diet.

    The sixth and final monster I had was a recoloured Wisper. It has a fiery orange colouration making it look more like a tiny sun. The idea for this one just simply struck me on a whim, I really did not do much more than recolour the Wisper.

    Let me know what you think of these. Honestly they hardly more than little recolours of original monsters; I can be creative but I do not consider myself an artist. (Honestly this has started to inspire me to draw new monsters; I am definitely making more based on your responses.)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  7. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    Hmm.. interesting. I'll add your descriptions of them, and save the sheets nevertheless.

    And I'm definitely interested in whatever you'd come up with!
  8. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    I perfected the sprites for the Rust Scandroid; it turned out far better than I initially anticipated.
    ManicRykker likes this.
  9. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

  10. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    ManicRykker updated Pandora's Box with a new update entry:

    Pandora's Box V1.1

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    Just to note, I highly recommend new users (and current, if you haven't already read through it), check out my Q/A discussion thread: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1117792278/1471969431584477326/

    It now answers critical questions about installation of the mod (and removal of the mod, if you decide to do that for whatever reason..)

    It's very important so uh... ignore it at your own risk :rofl:

    It mostly talks in regards to the workshop side of things.. but it's topics just as easily apply to this side of things too!
  12. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    ManicRykker updated Pandora's Box with a new update entry:

    Pandora's Box V1.2

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    Just to mention:

    The ids for unique monsters added by the mod have been changed to mod specific ones. These updated monsters will spawn in biomes from now on.

    To avoid issues with players that still have planets that spawn the older stuff, or have the older stuff captured, I am leaving some of those files in for compatibility sake.

    If you have captured any:

    or petalbops (now called springbops)

    then I would highly suggest removing them, and catching their updated forms instead.

    At a later date, I will likely remove this legacy stuff... but that won't come for a very long time!
  14. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

  15. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    ManicRykker updated Pandora's Box with a new update entry:

    Pandora's Box V1.3 - The Nutmidge Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

  17. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

    Lol that WAS a hotfix. Now I gotta download it again xD
    ManicRykker likes this.
  18. ManicRykker

    ManicRykker Phantasmal Quasar

    Yep. Sorry about that :rofl:. (And what's golden, is the whole thing was over one small typo... the woes of a modder I guess. lol)
  19. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

    T R I P L E
    D O W N L O A D
  20. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    add more rabbits, foxes, bears and birds and creatures like that

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