WIP Overgrown Farmhouse Asset Remix - Deluxe Coop Added

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by elyneara, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. elyneara

    elyneara Void-Bound Voyager

    Deluxe Overgrown Coop is Available:
    Done in the same style as the house, to match.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I re-mixed existing game textures to make an overgrown Farmhouse and overgrown Greenhouse

    No Mushroom on greenhouse and Slate Silo also available:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Also check out my Portrait Mod
    To Download:
    I have all mods uploaded to a public subfolder of my google drive account

    I can Not Provide The Greenhouse and the House separately, but you can feel free to edit these to your wishes.
      Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
      fghk, booboobii, sari90 and 50 others like this.
    • Megsoiluj

      Megsoiluj Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      wow OoO
      nice job
        lilrosaleen likes this.
      • pizza margherita

        pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar

        aahh these houses look so cozy and wonderful

        will go use it now
        • LittleTeemo

          LittleTeemo Astral Cartographer

          is it possible to make a request? is it posible to make some similar colout to this? if not then i completely understand, i just like this colour a lot :rofl:[​IMG]
            curi0 and GoBlaziken like this.
          • Preytorian

            Preytorian Poptop Tamer

            I love this! Thank you.
            • elyneara

              elyneara Void-Bound Voyager

              :rofl: Yea i really wanted a crazy messy greenhouse to go with my mostly wild farm.

              I updated the folder with the first porch fixes, but there are still tweaks to be made. let me know if you notice weirdness so I can fix it up :3

              A palette swap will be a little time consuming, I'll do my best!
                GreaterPorpoise likes this.
              • adari91

                adari91 Void-Bound Voyager

                This is what I am looking for. I love when the house meet the ivy.
                Thank you. This is so adorable
                • Flother

                  Flother Big Damn Hero

                  I really love the greenhouse, it adds to the feel of a 'green-house' Thanks for this :D

                  Edit: @elyneara , could you add a separate file only for the greenhouse? I currently have a retextured house that I don't want to replace.
                  • fghvbn

                    fghvbn Space Spelunker

                    Looks COOL! Gotta wait for the released version
                    • Flother

                      Flother Big Damn Hero

                      May I know where you got those scarecrows? retextured or are they original?.
                      • Meevers

                        Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      • Flother

                        Flother Big Damn Hero

                      • elyneara

                        elyneara Void-Bound Voyager

                        @Flother The house and greenhouse are necessarily on the same XNB file. This means I can make an original house + my greenhouse or my house + original greenhouse, but I can't do just my greenhouse with someone else's house. However, if you unpack both XNB files you can lay both resulting PNGs on top of one another and erase any parts you dislike, then repack the XNB with your modification of someone else's house + my greenhouse. I hope that makes sense!
                          Superior_s likes this.
                        • Superior_s

                          Superior_s Sandwich Man

                          Could you possibly remove the mushroom off the top of the fixed greenhouse? That's my only issue with it.
                          • Flother

                            Flother Big Damn Hero

                            Oh I see, I always had thought they could have both different xnb files since I see a greenhouse file. Thank you then, I still have to find a way to make opening an xnb file not become messy and cluttered into one messy line.
                            • Superior_s

                              Superior_s Sandwich Man

                            • LittleTeemo

                              LittleTeemo Astral Cartographer

                              scarecrow is totoro mod, not sure where it is now, mayb look up the word totoro :rofl:
                              • TheRingisHot

                                TheRingisHot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                The mushroom upon the greenhouse looks a bit out of place, otherwise fantastic work. The house looks very nice, especially the colours are well chosen, imo. Only thing, that looks a little odd is the roof. Maybe a tad to long on the left side ?
                                  Superior_s likes this.
                                • elyneara

                                  elyneara Void-Bound Voyager

                                  aww, I love the mushroom :3 but i'll make a variant without it. The roof is intentionally asymmetric, I wanted to have an A-frame but there weren't good stock roof textures for that. I wasn't able to get it to be on the biggest house version and might change that in the next version.
                                    Superior_s likes this.
                                  • TheRingisHot

                                    TheRingisHot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    alright, I really appreciate your effort

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