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Overall Health Bar has gone down, even after 4 stardrop starftuit

Discussion in 'Support' started by KirasDemon, May 26, 2018.

  1. KirasDemon

    KirasDemon Intergalactic Tourist


    I've eaten 4 of the special stardrop starfruits, and my overall health has gone down, after being up. Its back down to 155, even tho my energy is at 406. Any help with this? it happened towards the end of year 2, i believe. Thanks so much!
    • Scubysnax

      Scubysnax Seal Broken

      stardrop raises energy, not health FYI
      • Code_Monkey

        Code_Monkey Void-Bound Voyager

        Stardrops don't increase your max health, just your energy level. I haven't gone into the game to check but I believe your health bar is tied to your combat level.
        • Scubysnax

          Scubysnax Seal Broken

          Correct, and certain items for combat and temporary buffs from food.
          • KirasDemon

            KirasDemon Intergalactic Tourist

            True, and i've seen that, but as i'm in year 4, and i'm at the highest levels for each thing, I'm fairly certain my health was higher, and is now back at almost beginning levels? i'm level 10 combat, and only 150 health. Am I crazy, or am i supposed toh ave more health than that?
            • MouseyPounds

              MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

              Base health is 100. Combat skills give 5 hp per level except for levels 5 & 10 which only increase health if you take specific perks (+15 for Fighter and +25 more for Defender). Completing the new level 100 Skull Cavern quest will increase your max health by 25 as well. So at level 10 combat skill you can have 140, 155, 180 or 205 hp depending on those other choices.

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