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RELEASED Outpost Lag Reduction 0.93

"But I love the lag in the outpost!" said no-one ever. -- Glad Giraffe

  1. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    LoPhatKao submitted a new mod:

    Outpost Lag Reduction - "But I love the lag in the outpost!" said no-one ever.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. drakray

    drakray Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OMG... if this work, PLEASE!! someone tell CF to implement this
  3. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    I eventually will update the main post with pics showing the speed differences between the default animations and the ones I modified.
    I slowed them down anywhere from 11% to over 300%
  4. KazanaAoi

    KazanaAoi Phantasmal Quasar

    [20:39:29.908] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\kao_delag\.>.  Caused by: Could not apply patch to base. Could not apply operation to base. Attempted to remove from a list using a non numeric value: animationCycle
    [20:39:41.241] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase
    [20:39:46.400] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\kao_delag\.>.  Caused by: Could not apply patch to base. Could not apply operation to base. Attempted to remove from a list using a non numeric value: animationCycle
    [20:39:52.398] Error: Object vineseed defined twice, second time from /objects/farmables/vineseed/vineseed.object
    [20:40:12.527] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase
    [20:40:19.762] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase
    [20:40:19.762] Info: Done loading EntityFactory
    [20:40:24.764] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [20:41:33.119] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\kao_delag\.>.  Caused by: Could not apply patch to base. Could not apply operation to base. Attempted to remove from a list using a non numeric value: animationCycle 
    Doesnt seem to cause a crash, But it does mean somethings broken in the mod, right? o.o The other mods I've seen this type of error from, the patches in question dont work properly/at all
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  5. Dekadrachm

    Dekadrachm Heliosphere

    I hope this works, my computer is pretty good yet I lag on this game in the outpost :p I'll leave a review with my results
  6. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    oh really... try it without the patch for the 2 stop teleshop .. I had issues with that one while creating mod.
    2stopshop patch isn't really needed, just changes loop speed of the animated sign.

    thanks for reporting this! I had forgotten to change the 'path' back.
    it should say "orientations/0/animationCycle", not "orientations/animationCycle" -- missing the /0
  7. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    In case you decide to fix the 2stopshop thing (and you want useful patch knowledge):

    You can't add / remove / replace from an array without a numeric index-target.

    [{"op" : "replace","path" : "/orientations/0/animationCycle","value" : 5.1}]

    "arrayName" : [ {This is Index 0}, {This is Index 1}, {This is Index 2}]
  8. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

  9. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    Well now.... o_O
    with over 500 downloads of this so far, I want to reach out to you, my downloaders...
    There is still a LOT of lag in the outpost, and I'm wondering how harshly people would want me to try and stop the lag.

    As 1 reviewer said, they went from 5 fps to 17 after installing .. I think I could improve on this. =D

    One thing would be to stop the animations altogether - very harsh on the outpost, but very cpu friendly
    another thing would be to tweak the lights - unknown at this time whether it would do much tho, or how badly it would screw them up if used elsewhere

    I will need to look into this more when I get a chance, possibly by weekend if other projects don't interfere
    Kayuko likes this.
  10. drakray

    drakray Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe, if you want, you could make a "lagless" version, where you paralyze every NPC from the outpost, and remove the wiring for the auto-door
    That would be "boring" for some people, but I now I would prefer them to just stay still at their place, as I only go there to do the quest, and I don't care for ambience, as in this case it is VERY badly coded/setuped
    Other than that, anything you can do to make this place less laggy I'll take it, IMO it's just an insanely laggy place that I CAN'T avoid, for it's the quest hub(other than that, nothing to see there, can't do anything, nothing to explore, it's just a plain lagging outpost)
    LoPhatKao and Kayuko like this.
  11. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    Kayuko likes this.
  12. DragonSoulSong

    DragonSoulSong Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It may just be me, but there appears to be no version difference between the zip of this mod that I just downloaded and the one that I already have of the previous version. Perhaps the new version didn't get uploaded properly?
  13. n8rtw

    n8rtw Aquatic Astronaut

    i like to think of lag as a moment where your character thinks to himself for a moment, but one of those quick thoughts where you then ask yourself "wtf am i thinking?" then start to move on from it.
  14. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    hmm check if there's a 'dungeons' folder in it, if not then something got screwed up
    or go to the outpost and look by the doors for the proximity scanners - if they're there, its borked

    ok nope, website still serving 0.91 version.. sigh
    site also screwed up all previous version #s -.-

    attached is the real update

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
    DragonSoulSong likes this.
  15. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    DragonSoulSong and Kayuko like this.
  16. DragonSoulSong

    DragonSoulSong Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ornery site! It seems to be working just fine now, though! ^.=.^
    LoPhatKao likes this.
  17. drakray

    drakray Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    LoPhatKao and Kayuko like this.
  18. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    LoPhatKao updated Outpost Lag Reduction with a new update entry:

    A few more things

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Kayuko likes this.
  19. CSRSS

    CSRSS Void-Bound Voyager

    Error: Fatal Exception Caught: (AssetBackendException) Requested file '/pak.modinfo' does not exist in database, was likely skipped during pak creation. (Check server skip list).
      Root::Root(String, String, LogLevel, bool, String, Map<String, Json, unordered_map<String, Json, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Json> > > >)
      Root::initialize(Map<String, StringList, unordered_map<String, StringList, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, StringList> > > >)
    I get this whenever I try to launch the game. With or without the mod. I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.
  20. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    If this also occurs without this specific mod the cause is another mod.
    It's basically telling you that the mod-author (whoever it was) named the modinfo file wrong while packing the mod.

    Should be noted that this can only be caused my .modpak mods, not plain folder-based mods.

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