This doesn't seem to be working, it errors on loading the ore files... It seems it's trying to add the bits for your character to learn the seed blueprints on pickup... I think you might need to use .patch files somehow.
Turns out I did have something editing the ores... heh. Converted the ore.item files to ore.item.patch and it seems to work now
Sweet! Glad to hear you got it working. I am still learning about modding and I haven't had much luck with the patch files yet.
I am too, would you like me to send you the files so you can see what I did? I had to do iron/plutonium/solarium/uranium slightly diff for some reason.
There's a lot of neat ideas for this mod that I've been thinking about now that farmables work differently. Making the ore plants revert back to a previous stage after harvesting can be a thing now, which means we can slow down growth by a bunch and make seed drops rare. Also, no need to tiered plants like in the previous version, since continuous ore farming would be super convenient even if they're not super fast. Also wild ore plants need to be a thing again. Wonderful job with everything you've done so far, by the way. I'm excited about this project being reborn for the new starbound.
I think your ideas are great and I am currently working on most of them. I have changed the ore plants so they now revert to the first stage of growth when picked, but I am having a difficult time figuring out the drop rates. I would like all ore plants to drop 1 ore every time and about 5% of the time drop an extra ore or seed. As soon as I get that sorted out I will work on slowing down the growth rates to be more appropriate. I too would love to have wild ore plants in the game, but my modding skills are trial and error at best so it might take me awhile to figure that out. Any input on which biomes the different wild ore plants should spawn in would be a great help. Thank you so much for the encouragement! It means a lot to me that other people like this mod as much as I do.
Here's a few changes I've made for my game. Doubled the cost, but only made the cost one ore, then made seeds purchasable at the terramart. The idea is that they'll convert an ore into a seed for you for a good price. I wanted to change the plantfibre to a money drop, but it looks like they no longer let you drop more than a single pixel, so my idea of investing in bigger money drops per how much you pay for the seeds didn't pan out. I also added the rest of the ores, which you might want to use. I'm not the greatest at pixel art, but the prisilite plants seemed to come out really well. Hope these edits help with your project. edit: also wanted to make the plants glow, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.
I love your new plants! They look perfect, I think my favorite is the Prisilite plant, so colorful!!!! I have zero artistic talent so I greatly appreciate all the hard work you put into them. I would love to use them when I update the mod if it is ok with you? The best I can do so far with making the plants glow is to make them glow like the bioluminescence bushes. I would like to find a better way to make them glow but I just don't know how right now. Still working on the seed/ore drop rate, as soon as I figure that out I will try to update. If anyone has any ideas on how to make the wild ore plants spawn on different biomes I would love the help.
Found the distribution for crops in the .biome fileunder biomes/surface/garden in the section "// CROPS" Crops look like they can be added to the different biomes through these files. It looks like types of distributions can be then added to the general distributions.config file to correspond to the new, rare crop. For instance, maybe a new "raresurfaceCrops" could be added. Might be tricky to patch the .biome file. And, this is assuming these files can be patched. I don't feel like the drop rates should be that complicated, although I haven't tried to change it yet. I assume the "weight" value in the treasure pool is like a dice value that's rolled to figure out which one of the pooled items actually drop. Then the "poolRounds", I assume, is another set of dice values that are rolled to figure out how many times the first drop dice is rolled. And, maybe the "item" value just tells it what will drop every time it's harvested regardless of what you roll additionally. I may be wrong though. Have to test it and see how it actually plays out in game. I'll send you a message if I manage to ever figure this all out. Edit: Looks like my thoughts on the drop rates work! The harvest002.treasurepools file attached makes the seed drops much more rare while the ore always drops. Also, a bit more money drops if you're lucky. This works well if the ore plants stick around after harvesting.
This release should work with the current stable version of Upbeat Giraffe and I should have a new update out soon.
Found it! under \items\generic\crafting your diamond.item file has a typo on line 8: "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "diamonseed" ] I changed it to say: "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "diamondseed" ] and all is well!
Was messing around and added a new money plant. It takes advantage of the new drop distributions to determine how much money you get as a series of dice rolls. The max is 1000 pixels and the minimum is 1 pixel, which is more common. Additionally, it looks like buying things from the terramart doesn't require learning the recipes first, so I just scrapped the ore edits from my game. Maybe that's safer anyways, as I couldn't manage to patch them, which could lead to problems with compatibility down the road. Well, here's my new moneyplant with the drop distribution edits:
The more I mess with trying to patch the ores the more I like your Terramart idea. Even if I do manage to patch the files I might ( with your permission) do a separate version of the mod with the seeds only buy-able at the Terramart. It would make the Terramart be a much cooler place to shop IMO I love your pixel art with the money plant! So great! You should be the one making this mod not me, you have done/made more for it than I have by far.
KateisLost updated Ore Plants [Upbeat Giraffe] with a new update entry: More Plants and a few other changes Read the rest of this update entry...
KateisLost updated Ore Plants [Upbeat Giraffe] with a new update entry: Small error fix Read the rest of this update entry...