Option to save without sleeping

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Phea, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Phea

    Phea Big Damn Hero

    Sometimes while I'm playing I have to go out and there's not enough time for me to get back to my house. Other times, there are those 'glitchy' moments where I get stuck somewhere and can't get out (I got stuck in the fishing game at the SDV fair :lod: and couldn't get out until I had closed the game). It would also be nice to save after you do something important (finish a quest, get to the lowest level of the mines, etc.) just in case a glitch happens and we have to start over again. It could just be a button in the options section.
      nekoCrimson likes this.
    • medicdude

      medicdude Intergalactic Tourist

      This would be a really nice feature, but it could be take a bit of coding to implement and it might increase save file sizes a little bit to store some additional state information for on-map entities.

      I would consider it a lower priority; you can always go home and sleep if you need to, or just lose your progress for the day if the +1day would be a huge problem for your seasonal farming plan.

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