RELEASED Old XNB Mod Updates for 1.11 (Requests Welcome)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by joyous.ariella, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. Coolwyngs

    Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

    Yes please and if you would please include a .png file so if it has the red snow I can try to get it fixed.
    • Coolwyngs

      Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

      I second that. Will you please try to fix the content folder
      • FieryChaos

        FieryChaos Cosmic Narwhal

        Some of the item IDs in the config file for the SMAPI mod would still need to be changed as well to match any item ID changes in ObjectInformation. If you just fixed the xnbs, you would be unable to buy some of the items from the seed shop.

        EDIT: Ignore me, I must have been tired and seeing things; I thought I saw overlapping item ID's but that seems not to be the case looking at it now that I'm fully awake.

        EDIT II: Nvm, don't ignore that, the config file does need to be updated for EMCM and ASEMCM versions, but not the MCM and ASMCM versions. Item IDs 792 through 796 overlap what was added in the Stardew Valley update in the EMCM and ASEMCM versions. It's not a lot of extra work to update the config file, but it is still needed for those versions.
          Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
          joyous.ariella likes this.
        • Marcelo7

          Marcelo7 Big Damn Hero

          Could you fix that please ?
            Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
          • joyous.ariella

            joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

            I gotta start deleting my old versions lol. I must have accidentally re-packed the broken PNG >.<

            I made CERTAIN that I packed one without the red snow (I even unpacked it to check!). It should be on Nexus now, please test :3
            • joyous.ariella

              joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

              I'll try! :3
              • joyous.ariella

                joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                @Coolwyngs just finished the Better Artifact Digspots update! Link to the Nexus in the OP :)
                • Coolwyngs

                  Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                  Cool thank you for doing this.
                    joyous.ariella likes this.
                  • Ayriee

                    Ayriee Starship Captain

                    I just tested the new file and the red snow is still there :(
                    • FieryChaos

                      FieryChaos Cosmic Narwhal

                      Try this attached file:

                      I think Nexus just might be messing your update up; your bouncy chests and shiny egg digspot updates don't have the red dots in it upon extracting while your animal crossing update one still does.

                        Attached Files:

                        Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
                        Milkheart and joyous.ariella like this.
                      • Ayriee

                        Ayriee Starship Captain

                        Ahh, that one worked! No red snow :)
                          joyous.ariella likes this.
                        • joyous.ariella

                          joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                          maybe it's a problem with WinRar compression??? Lol thank you for the fix, mind if I upload it on Nexus? (I'd put special thanks to you in the description :))
                            Milkheart likes this.
                          • FieryChaos

                            FieryChaos Cosmic Narwhal

                            @joyous.ariella Go right ahead. I just like helping people with things when I can.
                            • Milkheart

                              Milkheart Void-Bound Voyager

                              This worked great, thank you! No more blood-snow. xD
                              • Milkheart

                                Milkheart Void-Bound Voyager

                                Thank you SO much for all of your hard work in trying to fix the red snow. I hope you aren't feeling put out from continuing to update XNB files! I really appreciate what you're doing here! In fact, there's a "white picket fence" mod that I'd love you to look at! I told the creator that it was bugging out the new spouse area behind the house since the update, and she said she'd fix it soon, but that was about a month or so ago and I think she forgot. Her regular picket fence mod works, but she added another file that would change that fencing behind the house to white picket as well, something I'd LOOOOVE. But it makes the little spouse area behind the shipping box turn into these weird wooden things. With the unupdated fence mod, my poor Elliots garden is a shambles, I say, a SHAMBLES! (Again, the file that changes craftable fences works. It's the file that changes the wooden fences around town and behind the house that doesn't).

                                  Ayriee likes this.
                                • joyous.ariella

                                  joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                                  Sure thing! Looks like I just need to copy the picket fence to the updated map tilesheet, should be done soon.

                                  Also @FieryChaos thanks so much for the red snow fix! It's on nexus now :)
                                  • Coolwyngs

                                    Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                                    Would you please put the bouncy chest with the picket fence and maybe make the fence purple to match the purple picket fence that she made for me.
                                    • joyous.ariella

                                      joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                                      Can you upload a screenshot? I took a peek at the picket fence PNGs and I can't find the problem. Might be easier if I can see the in-game glitch :p
                                        Milkheart likes this.
                                      • Milkheart

                                        Milkheart Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I'll try! I'll backup my old... whatever file it replaces, so it doesn't ruin it again. ; -;
                                        • Milkheart

                                          Milkheart Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Alright, so there are two places that have the four files you switch out. Content, and Maps. Maps is the only one that actually changed the fencing, so I guess the files go there, but the poor garden... TT ^TT
                                          I used both fences here as you can see (I use a flowery white fence replacement for spring and summer, and this white picket fence replacement for winter and autumn!), but the only one that ruins the garden and probably some other spots around the map that I'm not aware of, is the Spring/summer/fall/winter_outdoorsTileSheets.xnb fencing that changes the fencing around town and behind the house, as you see there. When you go to the Nexus file page, it should be the download at the top of the list, with 4 files inside.

                                            Attached Files:

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