Hey guys this is a new RP that I figured I'd start. Please make sure it adheres to the Forum's rules, some course language will be tolerated Plot still WIP and in need of assistance A universe were crime and corruption have dominated intergalactic society. Kiro, Echelon's most infamous assassin, gets a call that changed his life, and the life of everyone in the Linvin System. Current Characters Kiro~ Haynesy566 Character App Template Name: Age: Species: (Must be widely recognized or a detailed description must be provided) Occupation: Intended Role: (Antagonist, protagonist, side character, neutral party, ect) Back Story: Physical Appearance: Personality: Inventory: (Stuff you wouldn't leave home without) Additional Info: Art: (Not compulsory) Plot discussions must be approved by the GM (Me or other designated GM's) Thanks ~Haynesy566 Character App Example Name: Kiro Ashwood Age: 26 Species: Floran-Hytol Crossbreed Occupation: Assassin Intended Role: Antagonist Back Story: Kiro was raised by his Hytol father until the age of 9, the Hytol Authorities learnt of his son's secret but Kiro's father took the blame. Kiro was exiled as soon as he was 16 and spent the rest of his time on the run as a bounty hunter and mercenary. Physical Appearance: Favors a dark cloak, red eyes and head fins. Has a scar running diagonally across his face. average height. Build toned by not overly muscly. Personality: Street smart, quiet and mysterious. Doesn't always engage in meaningless conversation, has a fondness for Hytol and Human women despite his lacking social skills... Inventory: Default inventory: Weapon The Vinehacker: Base DPS: 40 Swing Speed: 1.09 Damage Per Swing: 37 Mobile Teleporter Unit, Assorted Stimpacks, basic food, 10 diamonds and 30,000 Pixels (From Bounty Hunting and Mercenary work). Additional Info: To Be Advised Art: None
Geez, who has been watering the RP forum? We've got new things sprouting all over the place. Any story you'd like to mention?
Well, that's cool, but I meant to ask if the roleplay had any plot. You know, so people would be enticed to join and such.
The story is kinda the critical part of any roleplay. I'd say you jumped the gun here in posting, but that's fine. Alternatively, you could ask for the players to submit ideas and build the story out of that. I would refrain from posting an RP thread, until you get this sorted out.
That's a start, but why do you need other people to join? Are they criminals too? Assistants to Kiro? Working to stop him? What incentive to they have to be there and interact with your world?
Hey, it's your world dude. You can take my advice, my input, but what it becomes is ultimately up to you. I can't tell you what to write. What was your intent for starting an RP?
I have arrived to intertwine RPs! Name: Barris Hadderel Age: 15 years (~45 yearsmaturity) Species: Penguin Occupation: Former mob boss and underling. Intended Role: former Antagonist still getting used to being a good guy... Back Story: born on the streets of Slacknaddas as Johnny Dangerously as a young chick scrapping pixels to help his sick, adoptive, human mother during a time of depression. When stuff started getting expensive, he changed his name and resorted to a life of climb in the penguin mafia and crimed his way up the criminal ladder, eventually becoming the head boss. When stuff began to grow dull, he left his position as mob boss to his second in command, and left to work under the famous novakid merchant, Varmint Dancer. He commanded a small army of penguins for both enforcement of force, and for carrying things around. Life was going good for Hadderel until one day, the ship began to explode. While trying to make a daring escape out of an escape pod, he was foiled by a bearded lady and a bear, fell off of a railing, broke his neck, and died instantly. Luckily, this is the universe of starbound! He had life insurance, meaning he would have a spare cloned shell in reserve in case he died. Unfortunately, it takes about a decade to form a new clone shell, so dying would not be on his agenda. Clone shells are also ridiculously expensive, reducing his bank funds to but a single giga-pixel to his name. Stationed back at Echelon in the Lidian system, he needs a way to get some funds and fast... Physical Appearance: 3' 2", stocky, and sort of fat. He looks about as huggable as a giant penguin plush toy... Who likes to smoke a lot and shoot stuff with a gun while wearing a tux... Personality: Used to being high in command, he doesn't always like to take orders unless he's in a life threatening situation. he's awfully uncultured and quite stupid, often mistaking one thing for another. Though you have to admit, he does know how to look and act cool while being quite the charmer. Inventory: his pistol, his cigars, his ageisalt woven tuxedo, his wallet, and his lighter. What more does he really need? Additional Info: he speaks kind of funny... And not just because he's a penguin you know. Art: WIP
YES ACCEPTED MY FRIEND! I want this RP to have like a slummy criminal/gangsta feel to it and I reckon your Barris will fit right in!