So I have a normal .animation file as below... Code: { "animatedParts": { "stateTypes": { ... }, "parts": { "hydro": { "properties": {"centered": false}, "partStates": { "hydroState": { "right-off": {"properties": {"image": "<partImage>"}}, "right-1": {"properties": {"image": "<partImage>:right.1"}}, "right-2": {"properties": {"image": "<partImage>:right.2"}}, "right-3": {"properties": {"image": "<partImage>:right.3"}}, "left-off": {"properties": {"image": "<partImage>"}}, } } } } }, "sounds": {} } I was wondering if instead of all 101 for both left and 101 for the right side, if I can make it modular, like end up turning... Code: "right-off": {"properties": {"image": "<partImage>"}}, into Code: "off": {"properties": {"image": "<partImage>:<side>.off"}}, As i'm very new to this, I have no idea if thats even possible or not, and i can't find examples of it anywhere so I figured, I'd ask. (I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section, its confusion as there's no clear distinction where asking for help with modding itself is to be put)
/objects/wired/doors/door.animation Code: { "globalTagDefaults" : { "doorDirection" : "Right" }, "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "doorState" : { "default" : "closed", "states" : { "open" : { "frames" : 2, "cycle" : 0.15 }, "closing" : { "frames" : 2, "cycle" : 0.15, "mode" : "transition", "transition" : "closed" }, "closed" : { }, "locking" : { "frames" : 2, "cycle" : 0.15, "mode" : "transition", "transition" : "locked" }, "locked" : { } } } }, "parts" : { "door" : { "properties" : { "centered" : false }, "partStates" : { "doorState" : { "open" : { "properties" : { "image" : "<partImage>:open<doorDirection>.<frame>" } }, "closing" : { "properties" : { "image" : "<partImage>:close<doorDirection>.<frame>" } }, "closed" : { "properties" : { "image" : "<partImage>:close<doorDirection>.2" } }, "locking" : { "properties" : { "image" : "<partImage>:close<doorDirection>.<frame>" } }, "locked" : { "properties" : { "image" : "<partImage>:close<doorDirection>.2" } } } } } } }, "sounds" : { "open" : [], "close" : [], "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] } } Keep in mind doors use doors.lua to swap <doorDirection> with animator.setGlobalTag() Depending on your intent, I think it should work to just add "animationCustom" stuff within different orientations. Since you could set a default tag within custom animation parameters. Another animation you might want to look at for different mounting options is /objects/wired/standingturret/standingturret.animation Another thread that might be useful to read here -